where is the best place to get the like of celox from here in nz?
I'm in the boat that most of my injuries have been falls and sprains but the risk of slipping with a knife or something is always in the back of my mind.
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where is the best place to get the like of celox from here in nz?
I'm in the boat that most of my injuries have been falls and sprains but the risk of slipping with a knife or something is always in the back of my mind.
By all means get some training but if you’re going to purchase tourniquet, emergency bandage ( Israeli) and the like get more than one. You need to sacrifice one to practice with. A one day first aid course is useful, watching YouTube videos not so much. But familiarity with the gear is what’s needed when the shit happens, otherwise you get a ‘WTF do I do with this’ moment when the pressure comes on. Most people carry this stuff packed away and never looked at because they’re too tight-arsed to sacrifice $30-$60 dollars to break the seal and practice.
Great thoughts @woods223. Agree. I have opened the packages, and practiced, been to the courses, administered first aid, watched youtube... and will be enrolling in SAS training shortly. Sufficient? :yaeh am not durnk:
I bought Celox on TM.
Who knows these days. The army probably still doesn't care what you think you know. You're an individual that they will mould into what they want you to be, a well trained component of a competent deciplined unit. Or they'll kick your arse down the road. Good luck.
Yes, well, for the sake of clarity I was joking about the SAS selection piece. The point I was making is to try to be as prepared as possible for events on the hill. A well stocked medi-kit isn't the answer, but it helps.
many years ago on an outdoor firstaid course the tutor Donna H made comment that has stuck in my mind forever.
" if your walking down a beach nude with just a towel around you and step on broken glass and cut your foot badly..how will you treat it??? thats right,you use the towel..its what you have got on hand to use that counts"
Correct. You don’t enrol but apply to enter selection process, of which the pass rate is low. Standards have possibly dropped somewhat since civilians with no prior training can apply these days. Anyway, back to first aid kit. Only carry what you can competently use, otherwise you’re probably carrying useless shit. Not everyone is trained to level 2 let alone higher levels.
Velox packet for $10 in outdoor adventure sports in Ashburton today.had ridgeline stapler next to it.
Yeah celox is good shit. Get the applicator pen thingy too. Saved my mates dogs life with celox a few years ago. The vet was impressed
Yeah it's just not that well known. I also keep a skin stapler in my first aid kit.