These were a lockdown boredom buster. I had an old knife kicking around and found an old antler in the shed and made the handle then decided to make a sheath as well...then thought bugger it I'll have a crack at pouches so made a matching set. This time there is no stitching involved and instead decided to experiment with lacing them together. I used kangaroo leather for that. Everything I made I have used 3-3.5 mm thick russet leather which I wet mold to suit each knife/item for a perfect fit. For example the sheath for the Bk7has no"safety strap" but you can turn it upside down and shake the shit out of it but knife stays put. There's an audible click as the knife is withdrawn or put into the sheath. The beads on this sheath and pouches I also made from antler. The texturing I have added was to try and replicate the antler texture of the handle and was done by wetting the leather and guessed it...a teaspoon! That wonderful tool is also handy for molding the leather around the knife handles etc...