So much awesomeness, I don’t know where to start!
@ Ftx325 & hunter Al.7mm08
What an awesome thread, being in a different time zone I wake up every morning looking forward to reading the latest revelations.
I asked for some pointers and I’m getting a master class.
You’ve all really inspired me to have a go at this, I can’t thank you enough, absolutely awesome information and display of talent
Keep posting guys, I’m living vicariously through you
The modularity of your sheath carry options is very clever. Hunter is spot on with his comment about the base model ute and the options to customise.
@ hunter Al.7mm08
people’s ingenuity never ceases to amaze me. You must get a real buzz out of using tools that your grandfather thought up, made & used. I bet he’s smiling down on you.
@Gapped axe
I’m sorry to hear about your health issues. I’ve been going through a few hard times my self but this puts things in perspective and makes me appreciate what I have. You humble me sir. I too wish you the very best of luck in your battle
Your work is fantastic but I’m particularly drawn to the bracelet in your special projects section, very special, simple & elegant.