Crikey that is most impressive, the detail in the birds head is unbelievable. My d2 knife is shorter by about 2”, and is my 2ic I suppose. Will try photos later, not really fused which knife gets resheafed as they are both working knives
Crikey that is most impressive, the detail in the birds head is unbelievable. My d2 knife is shorter by about 2”, and is my 2ic I suppose. Will try photos later, not really fused which knife gets resheafed as they are both working knives
"ars longa, vita brevis"
I have a few ideas I would like to try out after talking to you chaps (and @hunter Al.7mm08 in particular)... I quite like the idea of bordering the sleeve with lace for example like the 45/70. I might get out the magic teaspoon and see what other tools I can experiment with for designs/drawing into the leather and have a play on some scraps.
Probably the longest and deepest/widest bladed knife would give me a bit more space. If I use lace I might make some more antler beads too maybe... depends on how much use you intend for the sheath as to how carried away and ornate I get I suppose. I have a habit of getting a little carried away...but I would like to try and make something a wee bit special for you if I can. Can't be just a plain boring old sheath for a man such as yourself. We can discuss the details when I know the knife intended for the sheath.
born to hunt - forced to work
Bit of a funny story with the pet drawings. An instructor at the gym I was at at the time had a dog she asked me to draw...a great dane I think it was... so she gave me a small nlack and white photo to replicate poster size. So I dot away for weeks and added a little colour using photos out of dog books with my coloured pencils. She was rapped with the finished artical. My mum did a photo copy of the pic to show around to find me more customers. She happened to show her boss the pic. The very first thing he said was "that's my dog". Mum said no it's not , he said yes it is and so on so she explained it can't be his dog and told him about the lady at gym who owned said animal. His reply was "l knew it! That is my dog! I sold it to her nearly a year ago!"
I think that's the best compliment I've ever had.
born to hunt - forced to work