watching it now... 31 minutes of it.
CooeeBay Good to see you still around & hope all is going OK over there had our Garmin inReach Explorer save us from a bad few days last year ,when we are hunting in the Alps down here ,l get the missus to update weather reports etc from various sources & keep us updated & l notify of any position changes from our end ,we had a isolated gale front coming at us, she updated us on & got in touch with the Heli mob who had not picked it up yet ,they actually headed in & got another campo out first as they were not as well prepared & we got out at the last minute with a hairy trip out .
Are there any advances /new & improved models in the Inreach/spot etc type units or any you recommend over others ?
Also did you see the interview on YT with the Bloke who got stuck in the camper van in the Simpson Desert ,l will chase it up for you if you want , it would interest you in particular. Still take the PLB from the group- buy out on every trip :thumbsup: