I will often carry a smallish pocket knife. My last was a Gerber Larado or Laramie (can't remember exactly). I lost it a few weeks back and am looking for a replacement.
I have nearly bought a Spyerco Delica twice today but have wondered what else is out there and works. I think the term is EDC (Everyday Carry) for what Im after.
I want a folder that will fit into your pocket easily, be around 3" blade that is easy to keep sharp but will also hold an edge. Its main use is everyday chores, opening packages/boxes, cable tie removal, finger nail cleaning, the lot. A Chris Reeve Sebanza would be nice but Im wanting to keep it around $125. Happy to get in from the US but the shipping is usually a killer.
As much as I like the Mercator concept its not my thing although I did very much like the leatherwork done by Hamish 2HNTMAD too so may even look into a leather sheath. The mercator and steel combo prize for the Ruahine biathlon was very nice.