Good grief, I didn't realize I had so many
They all get used.
There's an old Mercator in my belt pack too.
Good grief, I didn't realize I had so many
They all get used.
There's an old Mercator in my belt pack too.
Last edited by Tahr; 18-03-2012 at 06:55 PM.
I am who I am.
2nd to back right with the antler handle is a Silver Stag Damascus, and lives on my belt. The one on its left with a bone handle is a Beretta that's had a lot of use 'cos its a good shape for arses and boning. The front right antler handle was made by a chap Brown in the Hawkes Bay. A great knife that stays razor sharp but a little brittle. It comes Tahr hunting with me.
2nd to back left is a custom Hess from the States, and probably the knife I like the most. I use the little Silver Stag the most.
Any one of them would do all I need a knife for.
Last edited by Tahr; 18-03-2012 at 07:25 PM.
Thanks for the details. Certainly some nice knives.
Cheers. The white handled one is a Boker 25th Anniversary Ltd Edition. #122/300. Had it for a couple of months. $156NZD landed. Thats good value. The steel is N695 which is similar to stainless 440C. Its a neat knife and taken a good edge. Maybe it will get some use over the roar.
The black leather sheaths are all after market ones from KSF to replace loose or shallow ones that came with the knives.
The most expensive is third to back, left. Its a Chris Reeves from the States. $230USD plus freight. C35V steel. Amazing edge holding but way over priced for doing what the front left Mora can do for $30. Or the rusty old Mercator. I must be nuts.
Last edited by Tahr; 18-03-2012 at 08:22 PM.
Theres something about knives, can't just have one of them.
I will eventually design my own hunting/kitchen blades and get some blanks cut (through a local waterjet agent) and then finish them off myself.
Will do research into the choice of steel once the designs are completed. Finding the time is the current problem.
My recent purchase, for Tahr. I was actually motivated to buy this knife after seeing your sons older model on a recent story he uploaded. I did some research and found Svord had a new model out.
My Specifications:
- Wooden Handle (I am fond of the classic look)
- Brass guarded bolster (older Svord didn't have)
- Carbon tool Steel (holds a bloody nice edge)
- Slightly narrower blade than my previous knife
This one fitted the bill.
Svord General Purpose Knife - 6 1/4” Blade, Mahogany scales. (Model:# 870BB)
The only problem I have is with the finish on one side of the handle is lacking, I have sent an email to Mr Baker regarding this issue and will wait an see what he has to say, other than that its feels and looks great.
Raging Bull