Mate of mine started making knives about a year ago, I've got some of his early ones and he has recently started listing them on Trademe: Trade Me - Listings from hennyjvv
This is my favorite, its even been to Africa once:
Mate of mine started making knives about a year ago, I've got some of his early ones and he has recently started listing them on Trademe: Trade Me - Listings from hennyjvv
This is my favorite, its even been to Africa once:
Brian and I got 3 deer last night so I gave this knife a work out.
Nothing wrong with it. No chips and steeled up sharp when it got dull. It got three quarters through a cut up and bone out of the first one before it needed a tweak with the steel, which is about what you would expect from a carbon steel like O1. Not chipping when you hit a bone is good sign that the maker got the hardening for the particular steel right.
Sure, 3v and Elmax are in a different league, but you pay more than twice as much too.
Handle and blade shape were fine. I will post a couple of pics when I get home later in the week.
I would recommend this maker for a good value knife,
Hi Thar
Thanks for the review! I appreciate you field testing and posting feedback of the knife.
I hope you enjoy it further and that it stays sharp!
If you can provide any additional feedback, it will be greatly appreciated, I am always looking to improve my craft.