Two new knives.
Mora Kansbol multi mount and Mora Eldris neck knife kit which includes the fire starter.
Both intended as camp utility knives primarily instead of using hunting knife for basic camp chores.
Im spending a lot of time in the bush and not really having to shoot many animals, so decided utility rather than pure hunting was a better option.
The pair together. Both clip into sheath and also have a safety domed keeper.
Kansbol has full moulded grip.
Multi mount base.
Nice size and looks perfect for around the camp and will test on a deer soon.
Nice stainless steel and awesome looking grind.
Sharp from factory but will be scary sharp soon.
Eldris neck knife kit is very small and handy.
Includes fir starter and the back of the knife blade is square for using on the fire steel.
Throws an awesome spark that smoulders for ages.
Only 50mm blade but Im expecting to find a lot of uses for it, especially whittling odds and ends.