So after losing my knife I got for my 21st

I have been on the lookout for another but not found anything I like yet at I price I am willing to pay!
So yesterday after dropping the kids at school I dropped into the local hospice shop to see if there were any hidden treasures lurking undiscovered.
Not much caught my eye, so I was about to leave but for some reason decided to have a look at the kitchen section.
Amongst the piles of rubbish kitchen knives I spotted one of these (stupidly I forgot to take a before photo)
It had a 3mm chunk out of the edge about 20mm from the hilt but at the princely sum of $3 I couldn’t resist.
I originally just thought I would give it a sharpen and use as is, but then the mind started turning over (a problem of mine

So into the garage and out came the grinder, files, sander, various grit sandpapers and a rough guide that I printed of the old knife I had lost as a template.
I had not done this before so after trying lots of different methods and about 2 hours this is what resulted!
Pretty chuffed with the end result, just need to find a sheath for it now. Still has a little remenant if the chip out of the blade but hopefully after a few sharpens it will disappear.
It may not be beautiful like my old knife but should stand me in good stead until a suitable replacement is found, or until I bite the bullet and get a Bark River
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