ive got a barazilian skinner in my collection ,but one on a fit of bordedom Itook to a skilsaw blade and made my own version .rough as guts handle was two bits of ply lying around in the shed glued onwithy builderas adhesicve thewn wrapped with insulation tape -it got a rough as guts sheath too .its part of me Bbq kit,hangs round me guts off a bit of dog chain i founds .considering the qaulity of workmanship its suprisingly sahrp and will slide through most meats .
i also made a highland dirk out of a hi speed industrial hacksaw blade carefully worked with angle grinder and carefully hones .handle is wooden covered in leather with a syntheitc cairgorm jewel in the top .sheath -again wooden covered in leather.use old bear cans for the brass fittings -bit manky now but they could be replaced .
yes i wore in on parade when i was in the pipeband and it even did a haggis ceremony.
again blade may be thin but hell it keeps its edge.