As recommend by @Tahr
A great knife
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As recommend by @Tahr
A great knife
Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
Arrived in the mail today.
We'll see.
Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
Attachment 210367
Stainless Damascus Nakiri I made for a mate, pearlescent swirl Acrylic handles, rockin G10 pins and liners.
thats sweet looking hope he likes it:D
I have a RAT 1 in D2. Its pretty good. Well used and has a bit of lock slip now, D2 is waaay better than AUS8. The RAT 1 is a bit big for me as far as pocket knives go. The RAT 2 would be better a better size.
Attachment 210762Attachment 210762Attachment 210763
Attempt at making a couple of knives, hidden tang hunter made from old file brass gate hinge and rimu bench top. Boning knife I bought in a bar of 1075 steel, same rimu handle. Heat treated in charcoal fire, both could do with a bit better finishing but will be pretty regularly used so will pay a bit more attention to detail on the next ones. Both have been blooded and processed a couple of animals. Spent 15 years in the meat works and pretty happy with the edge retention after being a little dubious after heat treat and tempering process. Big thanks for all the great info and inspiration available on the forum, some pretty spectacular blades being made.
Attachment 212883 A Viper from a few weeks ago. 1084 steel, composite handles of dyed Ukraine curly birch, stabilized and G10.
Hi NGA, I'm a new member to the forum but a life long knife freak and have been working through this topic watching your work. I liked the small red handled dagger from when you were just playing with the style but boy does this one show you've moved well past playing. I have been focusing more on New Zealand custom makers for my collection over the last 5-6 years and generally in daggers and would be very keen to get or commission something like this stunning blade to add to my children. How do I contact you, through the forum, email, website? Thanks Steve.
Now that is a real piece of history there. If steel could tell stories
Are you sure it's not yr thing as the trench knife post makes two vintage military knives now? If you aren't really into them I'd be happy to give them a home with some similarly elderly fellows and could even offer swaps in the hunting field in production or custom?
Definitely my sort of thing, it's always nice to have some knives that are older than me after all the years of collecting as it helps justify the obsession, "it's preserving history". I have fixed hunters and general folders too but will have to dig them out for more photos to come. Of course all collectors are just hoarders with good taste, lol.
Sorting through my knives today and thought I would post a few. Here are my fixed blade Pumas.
All from 1980/81 except the Hunters companion and the Trappers Companion from the 1960’s)
Hunters Companion
4 Star
White Hunter
Trappers Companion
Hunters Pal
Kleiner Jagdnicker
Attachment 213501
Attachment 213511
Attachment 213502
Attachment 213503
Attachment 213504
Attachment 213506
Attachment 213508
Attachment 213509
While on Puma fixed blades this is the smallest I have
Attachment 213512
Attachment 213513