Found a knife my great grandfather made, I’m going to restore it and use it as my hunting knife
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Found a knife my great grandfather made, I’m going to restore it and use it as my hunting knife
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Soak it in white vinegar.
Latest couple of projects just in time for Christmas. Shout out to Ross Nolan on the forum for pohutakawa handle scales really enjoyed working with it. First couple of pouches I have made too, unfortunately put the blades back in sheaths to soon and developed some minor rust spots, cleaned up pretty good though. Attachment 264130
Attachment 264336
Depending on my mood and if I need to hold it in my teeth while I swim a river....:)
That top one's a doozy:)
And welcome to the forum.
Very nice wee collection.
Gave a few of my blades a touch up,did a 2 hour knife session at work.
Attachment 264630
Attachment 264631
Attachment 264632
Some of you will remember this one.
Attachment 264633
Just finished this little knife for myself, Merry X-mas :)
1084 carbon steel, maple/ sycamore handle, brass pins and brass lanyard and bolster.
Attachment 264896
Attachment 264897
Two more Spyderco Native Chiefs.
Attachment 264947
Top: Sprint Run, CPM–Rex45 blade, G10 scales
Bottom: Lightweight Salt–series, CPM-Magnacut, FRN scales