A free tux knife beat that!!
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A free tux knife beat that!!
Attachment 37722
Mate of mine started making knives about a year ago, I've got some of his early ones and he has recently started listing them on Trademe: Trade Me - Listings from hennyjvv
This is my favorite, its even been to Africa once:
Last night
Bark River, Mini Rouge
Attachment 37732
I always wanted some Damascus blades there pretty cool quite well made iv only used 1 to butcher a sheep so haven't really given them a decent test yet.
Handles are made of camel bone , rose wood ,bufflow horn , antler and something else...
I used to import a lot of knives from India and 99% of the them are average at best, they may look nice but trying to get them to hold or take an edge is fruitless.looks to me like a few of them are exactly that, if you want a good Damascus blade you need to spend a few hundred min and often over a grand, it's a pointless steel nowadays, Damascus steel was in the old days the best steel for cutting flesh because of the microscopic bubbles in the steel that acted as a natural micro serration, this created unsurpassed flesh cutting in those days, today there are steels that are far better and cheaper, it's "pattern welded" steel and for my money it's just nice to look at, as a tool for hard work, not really.
the true Damascus art form is lost, they used to make the ingots in the ground and used plant matter of some sort which is believed to have helped the micro bubbles ( so to speak ) you can find true Damascus steel in different places like huge pillars in India that were made from it...... But impossible to Aquire and pretty soft as well, there is a shit load of info on This steel if you look for it, and as a person who used to forge it was an obsession for a while :thumbsup:
Nice collection Thanks for sharing.
Its stained Maple Burl
nice knife looks like a mini Natchez bowie
Here is my new beast, think i got a problem (But not as bad as Tahr:thumbsup:)
Ripi John Worthington. Skinner is N690 SS with steel is 5160 carbo steel, Ebony Handle. Managed to find a dude to make a decent leather sheath
Attachment 37889Attachment 37890
At least I get blood on mine :)
Thats a good-un, and N690 is nice. I've got an ENZO in 690 and given it a good work out and it has performed very well.
By the way, shit sheath :D
Here's hoping this weekend I can get some blood on it;-)