SATURDAY....took Wife n Daughter with me to deal with downed gumtree...knew it would be close to trailerload...3.8cube....
started with 20" bar on 251 and took limbs off at 7 foot lengths,they went on bottom of trailer,everything down to inch thick.... then swapped chain to normal one now away for muddy crusted stuff.the difference in cutting speed was unreal...cut main clean trunk right up to 20" then broke out the bigger saw..HOLY was like a light saber by about EAT the wood.....last cut was right on 26" trailer was chocker,5 rings in terranno...3 left in paddock for farmer to collect with tractor next time he goes past.
got home and split half the morning split the rest...then used the old 025 in drop saw set up and dealt to the branches.....
all three saws worked ideal in thier niche.....