Late last year I dug this old girl out of my fathers shed, where there’s 20 or so old saws from his native logging days.
This 056 magnum hasn’t run for around 25 years, due to a seized piston.
I started with a hiss and a roar, tearing it down and cleaning it up.
I ordered new crank bearings, a gasket set, new piston, and a new rubber handle mount.
Got the parts, then the whole lot sat on my bench for a year.

So last night just before 9pm, I headed up to the shed, my enthusiasm ignited by a successful bore honing job I had done earlier in the day on another saw.
So that is what I started with, honing the bore of this saw. It came up very nice, with just minor historic scoring.
Anyone who has rebuilt any of the professional grade saws will know, they are made to be rebuilt. There are maybe four different types of screw, and their home on the saw is usually very obvious.
Late last night, the only thing left to do, was cut a new gasket for the oil pump, and fit the outboard clutch.
So after work this arvo, I did those last bits, and pulled it over a few times with the switch in the off position. Then maybe 20 pulls with the choke on, and she fired. Choke off, two more pulls and it roared into life. This is the third saw I’ve resurrected from fathers shed in the last couple years, and he’s always pretty chuffed to see them running again.

Some people like to repaint them, and fit new covers etc, but I like a bit of character.
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