Finally did it… just added a Husqvarna 572 XP to the stable.
It’ll be a week or two before I get to use it properly but first impressions are good
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Finally did it… just added a Husqvarna 572 XP to the stable.
It’ll be a week or two before I get to use it properly but first impressions are good
Face sheild wont stop a kick back, check that your chain brake is functioning before you use the saw.
They should work both by direct manipulation of the brake handle, as well as via inertia.
To check the inertia function ,hold the saw over a stump from about waist high,remove your left hand from the side handle while holding onto the rear handle let the saw fall down so the bar tip strikes the stump. If the brake activates its all good.
The brake bands can snap, the brake linkage wears out, pins fall out etc. It only takes 30 seconds to check function but it could save your life.
didnt know about that one Norsk.....
my wee stihl has neat function..if the left hand opens,the piece opposite trigger lifts and also activates chain brake...the bit that sticks out top of handle...that alway has had to be pushed for trigger to work now has 2nd function...its plurry handy as chain stops straight away and doesnt roll around at idle cant move untill handle is squeazed.
The Ozito run rich from the factory
Remove the metal backfire guard from the carb and the grey air filter sock
The white filter still works perfectly and airflow is much improved
You notice a climb in clean rpm and more power/torque, the increase makes what little power there is that much more usable
Had a lucky escape with my 2095 the other day. Managed to snap the pull cord so took it into a good Hastings saw shop. Wasn't just the cord- they discovered the ? pulley was split and no spares available in NZ. One was spotted in the US but we all know the delays and costs in that option.. Anyway, the tech worked out an equivalent part from something other than a chainsaw would work with a very minor mod. She's all sweet again now :thumbsup:
251sc......up dated model from the 025 on my bench saw set up.
Wanted to be out hunting today, but no, winter is coming..... and about a hundred willows to be dealt to.
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Pretty amazing stuff alright. It will grow into the ground if ya leave it lying on it. Want another willow tree just cut a branch and push it into the ground. The stock love it for its' painkilling abilities
The big Husky on the job again today
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And then some locals got curious and annoying, wound up with about 30 of the bloody things before I knocked off. Had to check I didn't have a couple of them in my pockets before I left!
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Going to be shit every where I'm working tomorrow goddamit!
RIP Husky. No one hurt apart from a bit of pride.
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Looks like the tree had a bit of revenge.
Backed over it with the truck maybe?
Stihl 056 magnum
Hasn’t been running for 20 years
Needs a piston so far as I can see. Will split the case, and check the bearings and seals.
Replaced the crank on an 046 stihl last weekend after it was broken 15-20 years ago. That’s a saw that’s as good as any available today.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dropped a tree on it ?
At least you can salvage the bar and chain ?
I was delimbing a willow a while back and it rolled over and tried pushing my 570 into the ground. Lucky I could dig and cut it out and it was still ok. A good reminder for me to put all my shit well out of way when using another saw.
do stop it,I will start drooling on to use an 084 and was VERY impressed indeed.
My first saw, a Pioneer, was destroyed in a similar manner. Dropping a shitty big old mac (widow maker). Started to topple, bar pinched, stepped back clear, tree twisted and saw actually fell free on LHS side of trunk, tree toppled completely but rolled to the left totally crushing my saw. And any niceties of releasing the powerhead just didn't come into it, there just wasn't time.
Totally caused by my inexperience at the time.
Never ever got myself in that situation again and we did a lot of old man macs over the years.
Pretty pissed with myself at the time but went into town and bought my first new Stihl (045AV). 100 times better saw and never looked back.
The motor from the 045 is still going but many years ago fitted to an early model 2 man BT360 post hole borer. That borer will go thru anything, including our district underground telephone cable. :-(
Generally someone you may need to do or can do if you get pinched typically crosscutting (although it obviously can happen at the felling stage) and don't have a backup up saw. You can get the motor free before giving the trunk a nudge with a tractor or bully to free the bar.
Stihl but Oregon, granberg, and probably a few others do it
Not only that but the saw runs better with less load and it seems to clear better. Mind you this is Japanese cedar so it's not really hard. Once this is finished there's a black locust acacia which I'm certain will be a better test.
I've got a small outboard clutch oleo Mac that's due for a sharpen if I remember I'll photograph it
Yes, sad but true, occasionally we'll have a destination fucked! moment:XD:
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I wondered what the wife was doing up on the ridge dancing about like a mad woman:o
Turns out she was trying to tell me I was about to run over my favorite chainsaw:XD:
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New fencing/gardening/throw it in the back of the truck saw
Now you are an ideas man!:pacman: