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Thread: Swazi - Davey’s semiautomatic stance .

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  1. #1
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Swazi - Davey’s semiautomatic stance .

    Has Davey Hughes semiautomatic firearm stance influenced your purchase and use of Swazi clothing?
    I find myself steering away from Swazi these days which is a shame because it is very good gear .
    Am I being irrational or do others feel the same way .

  2. #2
    308 is offline
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    Do you have a link to what he has to say?
    I don't know what it is

  3. #3
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    Do you have a link to what he has to say?
    I don't know what it is
    This is one I found quickly, there are more out there where he elaborates his views .


    Swazi and H&F are the first that come to mind when I think of “ bite the hand that feeds “
    Tikka7mm08, 308, northdude and 2 others like this.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ground Control View Post
    This is one I found quickly, there are more out there where he elaborates his views .


    Swazi and H&F are the first that come to mind when I think of “ bite the hand that feeds “
    Cant say I disagree with him, so no it would not stop me buying or wearing his trade mark in clothing.
    Mohawk .308 likes this.

  5. #5
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGunn View Post
    Cant say I disagree with him.

    I think this just comes down to what we use our rifles for. I use mine exclusively for pest control, and have seen things like;
    1. $2000 worth of small tree seedlings taken out by hares in a single night (hence my use of double-tap semi auto 22)
    2. a valley full of nikau seedlings (which I planted myself by hand in a weeks hard work) destroyed by feral goats and deer (hence my old E cat and whack the bastards technique)
    3. 30,000 tree seedlings killed over a period of several weeks by goats and deer (as above)
    so when someone tells me I should only be legally allowed to use a bolt action rifle to try to shoot 30-50 goats or 20 deer at a time because I am a dangerous psycho then I will be inclined to think they are a prick. Might be a great guy in every other respect, but anyone arrogant enough to say that someone else should lose their business just because they use their rifles for pest control instead of hunting or target shooting is a prick. He wants my business to suffer or maybe even get closed down to suit his opinion, surely he would not expect me to support him? Prick, Prick Prick. Simple enough equation in my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGunn View Post
    "He suggested people need more training, vetting and even psychological tests before licences were given out."

    I thought this comment would have upset more people.
    I think many of us would agree with this. Semi autos rifles in the hands of the general public are potentially dangerous to an inversely proportional rate to the amount of experience and background of the users.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Waimata View Post
    I think this just comes down to what we use our rifles for. I use mine exclusively for pest control, and have seen things like;
    1. $2000 worth of small tree seedlings taken out by hares in a single night (hence my use of double-tap semi auto 22)
    2. a valley full of nikau seedlings (which I planted myself by hand in a weeks hard work) destroyed by feral goats and deer (hence my old E cat and whack the bastards technique)
    3. 30,000 tree seedlings killed over a period of several weeks by goats and deer (as above)
    so when someone tells me I should only be legally allowed to use a bolt action rifle to try to shoot 30-50 goats or 20 deer at a time because I am a dangerous psycho then I will be inclined to think they are a prick. Might be a great guy in every other respect, but anyone arrogant enough to say that someone else should lose their business just because they use their rifles for pest control instead of hunting or target shooting is a prick. He wants my business to suffer or maybe even get closed down to suit his opinion, surely he would not expect me to support him? Prick, Prick Prick. Simple enough equation in my mind.

    I think many of us would agree with this. Semi autos rifles in the hands of the general public are potentially dangerous to an inversely proportional rate to the amount of experience and background of the users.
    You may well be an exception to the rule but I have met enough of the fuckwits he mentions to agree with him...and a double tap is a waste of ammo, placement of the first is most important
    Huntertoo and outlander like this.

  7. #7
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ground Control View Post
    This is one I found quickly, there are more out there where he elaborates his views .


    Swazi and H&F are the first that come to mind when I think of “ bite the hand that feeds “
    what an ignorant ass
    Use enough gun

  8. #8
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ground Control View Post
    This is one I found quickly, there are more out there where he elaborates his views .


    Swazi and H&F are the first that come to mind when I think of “ bite the hand that feeds “
    Ah righto, yes I totally disagree
    Would it put me off buying his brand? yes
    40mm likes this.

  9. #9
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    Dunno about irrational but another saying "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind.
    Not that there aren't plenty of clothing options these days

  10. #10
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    Never again !
    Maca49, northdude, norsk and 2 others like this.

  11. #11
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    I think in this country we all agree that we don't want everyone to be able to access AR15 and Ak47 rifles, which is why we've had a firearms licencing system and why the police are supposed to be coming down hard on illegal firearms activities. But he goes a lot further, setting up the false argument that a hunter should need only one shot (true in a perfect world), therefore no one needs a semi auto. So in the world of Davey Hughes the only acceptable shooting is hunting. No pest control where you need to shoot multiple targets? No shooting sports? No service rifle? And anyone who needs a semi auto for any purpose outside the exalted realm of deer hunting is a dangerous psycho. Just another example of a prick stuck in the emotional rollercoaster of the time, unable to see outside his own narrow shooting use and eager to throw everyone else under the bus. I will never buy his stuff.

  12. #12
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Waimata View Post
    I think in this country we all agree that we don't want everyone to be able to access AR15 and Ak47 rifles, which is why we've had a firearms licencing system and why the police are supposed to be coming down hard on illegal firearms activities. But he goes a lot further, setting up the false argument that a hunter should need only one shot (true in a perfect world), therefore no one needs a semi auto. So in the world of Davey Hughes the only acceptable shooting is hunting. No pest control where you need to shoot multiple targets? No shooting sports? No service rifle? And anyone who needs a semi auto for any purpose outside the exalted realm of deer hunting is a dangerous psycho. Just another example of a prick stuck in the emotional rollercoaster of the time, unable to see outside his own narrow shooting use and eager to throw everyone else under the bus. I will never buy his stuff.

    What that guy fails to see is that a simple old .303 fed with stripper clips would have killed plenty enough to make society sick.
    A bolt action can be worked fast enough to keep anyone from trying to have a go.

    Or how about a bucket of sawn off 12ga shotguns? thats two shots of buckshot each, and probably ten shotguns in the bucket.
    Weld a spike to the front of them and thats an extra stab wound if necessary....
    Where there is a will there will always be a way, if you lot want to put the shits up your dickhead friends/family who think the gun ban is a good thing, you need to think like the coyote to explain how he would get around these laws.

    SO a bucket of guns, with bayonets improvised.
    A few pressure cookers packed with shotgun powder extracted from shells (if powder was heavily restricted etc) CHuck in a few tins of petrol and blamo! tarrant V2.0 is good to go.
    Not to mention all the other things like bombs, arson, trucks mowing large groups down, poison etc etc etc

    I have used arguments like this to explain the futility of these bullshit laws, and I hope that I left the audience not only stunned but pissed off!
    Use enough gun

  13. #13
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    What Ben said.

  14. #14
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    I had his stuff when and Maggie started out anyone still remember the trojan brand. I still have 2 singlets in working condition.
    Swazi came about as he wanted to go up market and about the same time i think he landed a defence force contract.
    I have one swazi windbreaker top thats all.
    If youve ever met the guy you can form your own opinion. Mine is over priced, over hyped, and self centred.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    I had his stuff when and Maggie started out anyone still remember the trojan brand. I still have 2 singlets in working condition.
    Swazi came about as he wanted to go up market and about the same time i think he landed a defence force contract.
    I have one swazi windbreaker top thats all.
    If youve ever met the guy you can form your own opinion. Mine is over priced, over hyped, and self centred.
    Had the defence force contract. It was shit gear



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