Ive gave another try to get their attention and contact them, Ive placed new order and also sent an email which I will copy and share with you guys as I dont have anything to hide.
"Hello there, Ive just placed an order again.. because I wasn't getting answer nowhere, Ive tried to call your hot-line, ended up leaving voicemail but nobody contacted me back, Ive tried to email you several times, message your Facebook page and even leave comment on one of your photos but nobody reached me out.
There was some miss-understanding and because of that you don't want to deal with me? First time youve recieved order with my name was about 1 year ago done by my son, but because of some health problems he wasnt able to pay.
You had my USA address which is wreight forwarding company address, you googled that address and found some articles about scammers using that address, but I'm not that type of man to scam anyone. That company is called USA2GEORGIA and has around 2 millions of users, we all share same address there but we get some our unique "room" numbers which is being used for identification of user.
Because of some stupid scammers you shouldnt help and deal with me? I never scammed anybody, didnt wanted to get in details but why should I scam somebody when Im owner of company called S.K. Impex and Im working on importing high quality medicine from Europe and USA. Usually scammers are people without much money and besides of my company and well-being I was risen as honest person and after 57 years of living I never scammed anybody in my life...
Anyways when I ask to pay by bank transfer, its totally safe way of payment for seller to recieve money, you will have tota control of my money and even if you wont send my order I wont be able to do anything so evenmore Im under risk of loosing money, not the seller.
So please answer me and if you have any more questions please ask and I will answer any. If you dont have any questions please send me an invoice so I can pay for my order #12741
Looking forward to hear from you.
With much respect,