Cool, I'm totally stoked with mine, just need to get the cover on it, it's lethally sharp and no way you want to touch that blade. Seems to be holding a good edge too, I've chopped all kinds of gnarly old hardwood and seems very sharp still
Hows it look on the handle after a serious amount of work? I had one similar to this design with the front bottom of the eye hole is cut away, and it was a bugger for working loose on the haft. All I could put it down to was the leverage of the impact on the heel of the bit working the head loose on the haft. It was a bit of a pest, and it got to the point where it needed a new handle as the old one had been compressed. Might have been an issue with the density of the handle timber but I've never had another like it to compare and I got rid of the thing.
It is in no way a slight on the manufacturer as well, my work axe is a bloody tool and a half. Best axe I've ever seen let alone used - it's just too heavy for fine work so the camp axe or the new 'Trapper' version will be a much more useful tool I think. I have a Bullock Bros axe that is about 3-3/4Lb and it's almost perfect for fine work. Too heavy for backpacking, probably the same class as the camp axe but with a longer handle.
The head on mine is totally solid. I highly doubt it would ever come loose. The head is also pinned, which is kind of overkill for a small axe like this, but they use the same methods on their work axes as on their racing axes.
So even if it ever loosened up, it's sure as hell not coming off.
The handle is hickory, expensive but very hard and dense.
The cover arrived today, so now I can start using it a bit more without worrying about losing fingers...
Think I'll get a belt loop so I can keep it handy and hands free when working on the section clearing paths etc
I have to say I was on the waiting list to buy one. I have been the owner of one of there beautifully finished working axes for a few years now and rate them. I am quite disappointed with the outcome in design and finish. I had expectations they would be a superbly finished like their working axe. It’s all about personal taste and expectation I guess. I am sure they will be functional but I believe they missed the opportunity to finish the axe to a level not found in competitors.
They aren't 'not finished' - the surface is textured by bead blasting or something like that I think to give it a satin finish. It makes the grind on the blade really stand out, and I think it looks quite good. The material spec and heat treatment will be bloody first class... My work axe is the fully polished finish typical with that model, but it really needs to be repolished and cleaned up as it's really quite stained with crap and rust. Be interesting to see how the satin finish holds up. It is a different class of tool, not expected to chop in as deep but even though it's a smaller head with less material in it the forging and working time and final grind and surface prep would still take near as long as the bigger heads I expect. The changed surface finish is likely a cost saving measure to hold the product to a price point - a good move I'd say.
Design is interesting, with the lower front part of the eye cut away as part of the bearded design I have the query on leverage on the handle haft in the eye. That's the issue I had with the last bearded axe I had that would work itself loose, although I didn't have the interest and knowledge to really work out waht was going on at that stage. It was drop the thing on the heel to knock the head back down and hammer the wedge and steels in a bit tighter until it worked loose next time. I got rid of it in the end, can't recall if I sold it or traded it or what happened. Now I'd probably look closely at the handle and likely there would be a large part of the issue there i.e. a crap low-density chunk of crap where a good solid piece of hickory would have been a totally different beast. But with a lighter weight head that's actually sharp like the 'Trapper' there probably isn't the impact on the eye with the loosening forces...
Mine turned up a few days ago and I am happy with it. Ordered the 49cm handle one, its the right length. Any longer and you would be wanting a bigger head.
Sharp edge and good cover. Might make another cover myself with a belt loop on it but see how things go.
Pinning won't stop the head working loose, it will stop it flying off if it does come loose though. But, if it's loose you shouldn't be using the thing so... It's a little different with a race axe and swinging the thing with passion in front of a stand of spectators - you need the safety factor in that instance and only using top grade wood in the handles that costs as much as the head etc etc.
The pinning is an option on the full size axes, I'd say if you ordered one you could get it pinned no problem and then you won't have to worry.
On the subject of handles, who has a decent stop of the good ones - like the imported Columbia brand from the states? They have a decent size to the haft so they can actually be shaped down enough to fit a full size head like a Plumb, Kelly or Hytest... I used to get them from the local emporium store but they've run out, and the local hardware shops like Mitre10 seem to just have the locally made ones that are 90cm handles with a haft that fits a hatchet head. It's a bit ridiculous, I have never seen an axe head with an eye that small (45mm by 16mm) even the imported stuff. The outfit that makes them has shaped them way too much, should have left them a straight oval rather than taking them down to the tiny oval they are now. Not that bad as handles in terms of timber grain too...
Interesting, seems like that's the only change from my prototype. Pinning is probably overkill on an axe like this. More of a last ditch safety to stop the head flying off. Highly unlikely that would happen on such a small axe where the chopping shock is magnitudes lower than a heavy race or work axe.
Well in a fit of internet fuelled hysteria I ordered myself one too. Looking forward to trying it out.
Also for those who also want a saw, these are 113g. Good for the backpack to cut a sneaky sniping spot.
@No.3 check out Leech Wood Products in Christchurch
Email or ring the guy, contact details on the website. I got ten 32” handles off them. Better than any thing I’ve seen for a while.
Unsure if they do 36” handles or not. Good imported hickory.
Think I paid about $30 plus gst each
Could probably send you one if you like.
He sells them to a few hardware stores in the South Island.
Attachment 226211
@McNotty, can you measure the haft of your handles where it fits the eye of the axe head? I need 65x22mm oval basically... Cheers!
@No.3 I’ve fitted these on Kelly’s, Hytest, Plumb, GBA. Plenty of meat on them. They’re a proper full size handle.
Tuatahi have just launched the Trapper. It's much lighter and more portable than the Camp and Work axes. It's a stunning-looking axe!
I purchased one a few weeks ago and must say it is a quality wee axe. The communication from the team at Tuatahi is excellent as well
more photos needed...
I've done a few hours as a contractor and fallen in love with their axes. I've even been axe throwing and will certainly be going again. I'm just trying to decide which axe to buy for myself.
Ended up getting one of their handles, it's a little on the p grain wise but acceptable all the same. Passed the strength test, I used my 12t press to snug the handle home after a slight trim and when I got it to the right position fully home the handle pinged and the thing took a 30deg bend to the side! Good time to remember that I forgot to fit the support before I pressed it...