Originally Posted by
In that case I would totally recommand Gransfors Bruk Axes, I dont know if you can find them in NZ but its widely avaible in Europe and therre are some re-sellers in USA. Axes are made in Sweden, from local steel and Gransfors Bruk forge is the oldest functioning one in Sweden. I personally do own several of their axes and love everything about them and have sold all my Husqvarna axes because Gransfors is way better in everything, steel, geometry, craftsmanship, handle material (grain) and ergonomics. Also Gransfors has huge variety of axes and traditional swedish cutting tools, here is my two cents about that subject.
Anyways 12 days has passed sience Ive placed my order on Tuatahi web-site, but sadly nobody contacted me yet, I've personally emailed them several times, also sent messags to their Facebook page but they just read it and no answer was sent back to me, also wrote message on one of their recent Facebook photos asking to answer me but still nobody reached me out, Ive also called them about 5 days ago or so, on their hot-line but there was only voicemail, so Ive left voice message them to send me an invoice for my order so I can pay via bank transfer, but nobody reached me out even after calling their contact number.
So please guys help me reaching them out, 12 days ago Ive placed an order for their Work Axe (with wings), Camp Axe and M-Tooth Work Saw, my order number is #12710 so please tell Stu or somebody who is responsible to answer me on my email (mzovreteli13@gmail.com also this email was used while placing an order).
Thanks guys!
Stay healthy.