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Thread: Waterproofing Flys and Tents

  1. #1
    308 is offline
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    Waterproofing Flys and Tents

    Any recommendations for products that treat and waterproof a camping fly?

    There are bound to lots of products that say that they are great but what have you guys used and know works?

  2. #2
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    I haven't done it myself yet.
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  3. #3
    Member peril 787b's Avatar
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    Nikwax do a range that's pretty good, used a few of their products and had good results.

  4. #4
    308 is offline
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    Ah, yeah - I watched that video and gave it a go the other night

    I used what is sold here as White Spirits and the first time it wouldn't blend - I'd used some clear stuff that was "co-polymer sealant" instead of silicone so that got thrown out - after trying to mix that shit for about half an hour I just had bits of chopped-up clear sealant floating in the Wh/Spirits. Duh.

    More white spirits and clear silicone has taught me several things-
    1 clean the garage floor
    2 use a 20l bucket and clean it out too
    3 pre-tie the guyropes to the 4 corners if ya can
    4 drill on low-speed = less mess

    1l White spirits and half a tube of silicone nearly did my Northridge 3x4m tarp and I hung it in a V shape so that the most waterproofing sloughed down to where the ridge will be as that was where it dripped

    Next time I'd do 2l of spirits to a 3/4 of a tube of silicone - the 3:1 ratio works pretty well

    It stinks so breathing gear with filters is recommended and long rubber gloves of course

    The fabric gains a little weight (maybe 10 to 20% ?) and feels more rubbery - guys on ultralight camping forums talk about their treated tent floortubs being less "slippy" if that makes sense

    I'm gonna treat some building wrap as a tester for groundsheets and I'll put some pics up whether it's a failure or success - the only way to learn is make mistakes so I must have a feckin PhD by now....

    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post

    I haven't done it myself yet.
    veitnamcam, Scouser and Shearer like this.

  5. #5
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Well done 308, you can be the forum guinea pig mate.......or is it the 'canary in the coalmine'....?.....good onya bro....
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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