Just wondering what the general consensus is on what size tent fly everyone is using?
Looking at either 2.5m x 3m or 3m x 3.5m
Just wondering what the general consensus is on what size tent fly everyone is using?
Looking at either 2.5m x 3m or 3m x 3.5m
I guess it depends on what you are doing and how many people etc. Fly in base camp with a few people you will want a big one. Long walk in trip or hunting on the move you will want a smaller lighter one etc.
I use a siltarp 3 which might seem large but when it’s pissing down rain Fiordland style you appreciate the extra space.
I use to have a Huntech fly and there solid but also bulky hence why I went siltarp.
Fly camping Kaimanawas I also use to use a blue coloured tent fly you can buy from warehouse for $20 and that worked fine.
Another good option is Huntech bivvies as at least one end is sealed off from wind/rain.
Spent an amazing night on Fiordland tops with my son (13 yrs) in one with lightning, strong winds, heavy rain where we camped in a slight dip and that little tent held up perfectly and kept us dry... a crazy night!
I have a siltarp 3. Nice and light and plenty of space
If the weather gets rough you will want to tie the sides down to ground level to keep dry. This reduces useable space considerabely, so the bigger size is a better choice in that situation.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
the warehouse silver n grey ones last waaay longer and are waaaay stronger than the blue ones... light nylon ones are great to carry but when weather gets crappy the bigger and heavier it is the better.
Ive just gone back to using only a fly, no tent. I carry a trekking pole anyhow and a 3x3 is a very versatile size, plenty of pitches are possible from very simple to "tarp tent" style pitches.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
I’ve got the siltarp 2 which is great for two fly camping underneath it for a light and fast option. If your wanting one for a base camp set up then the larger one like the siltarp 3 would be best as it gives you some workable space as well as coverage over your tent.
I’ve used a 3m x 4m nz made huntech fly in Fiordland and wouldn’t want anything much smaller than that.
If you want to see how much a tarp will cover buy some cheap warehouse ones to set up.
When you finish with them use them on your trailer or just use them in the bush till they are buggered.
I still have an old tarp 4 of us slept under for up to a week.
In the kaimanawas once it started raining one evening and we didn't get out from under it until the morning of the day after.Near on 40 hrs and we stayed dry.
Will check but pretty sure it was a 4 x 3m ,but set them up for the prevailing weather and they work.
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