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Thread: Who wears glasses?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury

    Who wears glasses?

    So went to tne eye doc last week and it turns out I have mild to moderate myopia / close sighted. Spec showed up today metal frames one sunnies one clear. Been using them today and amazed at the difference from 2m+ into the distance. Thinking I may get another set while on sale (50% off at specsavers).

    So being a new glass wearer wondering how people get on with binos, scopes etc and fogging up when going up hills and sweaty.

    Any tips and tricks? Also care and maintance? Came with cases and clothes
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  2. #2
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    A cap with a decent front brim is useful for keeping rain off your glasses. You can buy little lens cloths in a tiny pouch that you can hang off your bino strap for keeping everything clean and clear (your glasses, binos and range finder). Hunting Accessories & Field Gear | KUIU I've got a few and always have one clipped onto my rain coat zip.

    Glasses are a bugger, but you get used to them. Contact lenses are worth considering if they will work for you. I cant use them though. My glasses are graduated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Have quite a few clothes floating around from various optic purchases.... Hadnt thought of a cap, great idea thanks. Will think about contacts, one eye is worse than the other sadly my Dominant hand / scope eye. Will see how I go with glasses and think about contacts

  4. #4
    Member Bryan's Avatar
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    I was very short sighted (& had astigmatisms in each eye). I had to wear glasses from the age of 10 (30 now). 3 years ago I got laser eye surgery and have never looked back. I have excellent vision now and never have to worry about glasses again (until i get older?), if you are able to I recommend it done. Not cheap at $5.5k, but worth every penny.

    Before that, I had an old pair of thin wire framed glasses that I wore around camp to give my eyes a rest, but wore disposable contact lenses the rest of the time. Was a real bitch putting them in early in the mornings, and I was constantly squirting eye lubricant in during the day to stay off the dry eyes. It was manageable, but not ideal. Tried hunting with glasses alone, but they always fogged up and were annoying when glassing.

    Keep a quality lens cloth (or two) in your pockets so you can keep them clean/clear & maybe try contact lenses?

    my 2c anyway.
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  5. #5
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    I worn them for 47 yrs, tried contacts but the wind vibrated or blew the out of my eyes on the odd Occassion shooting, biggest bummer is rain, so a cap is the go, I have poly carb progressives, I have alway enjoyed having the protection of glasses, another bummer is misting, had probs the other week, every time I put the scope up to my eye they misted, there are products avail to prevent. It's great to have better than 20/20 vision at 66 with the aid of specs!
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  6. #6
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    I have same astig bull shit thingy ...Its a bastard....Born with it and undiscovered for 30 years till the headaches got too bad to leave a darkened room after becoming an office shirking person .. Shows how much attention schools used to take.. Still managed to get 6 subject SC lowest mark 79 out of the 6 Fogged up climbing hills , lose glasses , break glasses, need glasses plus sun glasses then it gets dark SO NEED GLASSES AGAIN FFS...I hate it..need side focus on scopes. Laser surgery bit scary ... Been considering it though ..
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  7. #7
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    At the moment its not bad enuff to consider surgery, just went for a check cos I never had one and almost 30, just incredible the difference now I have them

  8. #8
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Been blind as a bat since I was ten. Smashed glasses aplenty, glad they're getting cheaper. Decided this last two frames that next time I'm going to get lasered.

  9. #9
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    If I was younger I'd go Laser, my daughter and her husband had theirs done in the UK
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Exactly the same issue for me. Glasses better than nothing but fogging and particularly rain a pain in the arse even using a cap. Eventually swapped to disposable contacts which are much better overall but not as good for clear vision at close range. Not too bad but wasn't aware of that until I had them. Optician confirmed contacts used to correct shortsightedness can cause a slight loss of focus close up. Not really a consideration if spotting or hunting though.

  11. #11
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Iv had glasses for 20 yrs ,if I was younger Id go for Laser , not for vanity , because glasses for hunting are a pain in the arse . Some days they fog and some days they don't . I use anti fog , it kind of works but not guaranteed too . I carry Copious amounts of soft toilet paper if its wet to dry them . A brim hat or cap is the go .
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  12. #12
    The Original Striker
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    Im the opposite, high level hyperopia with decent level astigmtism, (Convex lenses etc) had them since 1yr old
    I wear a cap, and over specs to keep them dry, you learn really fast how to layer clothing to stop misting your glasses, heat off chest etc,

    at the price of my lenses and frames(approching 2k) you learn to look after them, but then you do get used to them and they help me see so really its non issue
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  13. #13
    Member Bryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy View Post
    I have same astig bull shit thingy ...Its a bastard....Born with it and undiscovered for 30 years till the headaches got too bad to leave a darkened room after becoming an office shirking person .. Shows how much attention schools used to take.. Still managed to get 6 subject SC lowest mark 79 out of the 6 Fogged up climbing hills , lose glasses , break glasses, need glasses plus sun glasses then it gets dark SO NEED GLASSES AGAIN FFS...I hate it..need side focus on scopes. Laser surgery bit scary ... Been considering it though ..
    Happy to chat to you about the laser surgery process @Happy. Drop me a PM if you want to discuss.
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    @striker, ouch thats expensive guess if you need them you gota have them. I managed to do the 2 pairs for $300 not 100% on them as I can still see round the edges of them but the lenes cover 90% of my vision so not too bad

  15. #15
    SiB is offline
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    Worn glasses since I was five. Myopia.

    I have learned to wear an elastic "keeper strap" on my glasses when hunting. It keeps them on my head if I take a tumble.

    Peaked cap like the the others say

    Anti mist? There's an American branded lens wipe I use its AWESOME. Truly. I'll post the name when I remember.

    The issue with them they're $199 per 100. I buy them for work so I can put a few aside that way. I've tried quite a few of the socalled anti fog wipes and this ones the biz...

    If you're keen, get a yellow tinted pair that are a quarter dioptre stronger for hunting.......

    The definite is ALWAYS have a spare pair handy. There's nothing worse than a full day tramp out without glasses if you're short sighted like me lol
    Dago likes this.



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