I’m halfway through Intraoccular lens replacement. Had my left done last Wednesday and my right gets done tomorrow. At nearly 60, I’ve been wearing contacts for 35 years correcting astigmatism in both eyes and very shortsighted. Not a good candidate for LASIK as it may not last. IOL a much better solution for me, it’s basically a cataract op without me having cataracts and will see me out. They’ve gone into my eye and chopped up my lens and sucked it out and put in a implant. I’m 20/20 in the left eye now and can use the PC without reading glasses. Still need reading glasses for very close work. The implant is designed to give a range of excellent distance to intermediate vision and it certainly delivers, can’t wait for tomorrow. Not cheap though, 7 grand a side. Would have been on insurance if I actually had cataracts.