Daily disposables on the other hand are bloody magic,
Read this, cause if I can save one person from going thru what I did then it will be worth it.
from this website http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandst...contact-lensesContact lenses are medical devices and soft contacts tend to be packaged in small sterilised containers filled with fluid, which over time (hence the expiration date) can become contaminated. The biggest cause of infection, however, is overnight wear, says Professor Roger Buckley, associate director of the Vision and Eye Research Unit at Anglia Ruskin University. Sleeping with your lenses in raises the risk of corneal infection twentyfold. The cornea is starved of oxygen when lenses are in and eyelids closed, making it less effective as a barrier for keeping out germs. The overall risk is still small (3.5 per 10,000 people wearing daily soft lenses), but keratitis is painful, can make your eyes weep and causes blindness. So should contact lenses be treated with more respect?
Last edited by mikee; 25-05-2016 at 10:14 PM.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Had glasses from 10 hated them but amazing what you get used to.
Contacts at 20 got easier as they became cheaper and more readily available.
You then had ready access to spares but putting them in first thing in the morning with aid of a torch not much fun.
Struggled with wearing lens long periods.
Got eyes lasered at 39 when satisfied the process would be ok and last.
But started to suffer from long longsightedness when about 53 which they warned me about.
Use reading glasses at home and progressive safety glasses at work.
I understand you can now get one eye lasered to avoid this.
But I have found it good but recently have had to change a scope but can hunt without glasses.
But do use cheap $2 shop ones to check map and GPS.
I would if you are able to get the latest laser done as it is good.
Dollar wise when I got mine done the cost was 6 years of contacts/solutions and the odd pair of glasses so it stacked up for me.