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And the keyboards only get smaller
Should add to this thread, everyone should get their eyes checked. I didnt realise that I had a problem until I got them checked, made a huge difference. Been for a 2hr drive today and not sure I should have been on the road without them.... EVERYONE GET YOUR EYES checked unless of course you already have
Been wearing glasses/contacts for most of my life.
I wear contacts 95% of the time and absolutely love the freedom they given me when in the outdoors. Yes, they are a bit of a pain in the ass to put in / take out but you do get used to it and it becomes second nature. It does take a little extra effort to keep your hands clean in the bush when handling them. Hand sanitiser works well but remember to let it dry before touching your eyes - learnt that the hard way a few times... actually a lot of times.
I talked with @Bryan a few times about getting them lasered and almost went down the route. I had initial assessments and everything looked perfect and just had to choose a suitable date. Everything was all arranged but a last minute change in my prescription resulted in my optometrist advising me to wait another year or two before going through with it.
I will get them lasered at some point... it's just a waiting game but for now, contacts suffice.
Grrr thought my contacts were coming from nz, no ritish Columbia but they showed up in a few days, minus the lenses case I ordered at the same time. Glasses just got an email from them, they are packaging them now and still not shipped from Hong Kong, wtf!
Anyone using combination sunglasses with prescription inserts as recommended in the latest NZDA mag issue? Eg Adidas Evil Eyes. That means you can have interchangeable sunglasses- swap out coloured lenses for clear for example when the light changes- but the prescription lenses are separate and sit in behind. I'm wondering about getting something like this as the bush thrashes my good glasses
Saw that article and was curious as well, looked a good system and not too expensive considering they are brand names
Yeah I think with the extra distance from your eyes glassing without taking them off would be impossible, but definitely interesting, eh, with the added benefit of eye protection pushing through scrub etc. I quite often come close to getting a twig in the eye!
they are called "eye crutches" thankyou vey much!!!!! and nothing wrong with my eyes its just writing is too small and my arms too short......
Nothing like being vain in yr old age:thumbsup:
I found out about 5 years ago that my eyesight was shit. I've got astigmatism. Its not super bad but its bad enough that I can't see street signs at night and spotting deer 100m+ away with my naked eye is almost impossible, especially on low light. I've tried wearing all sorts of different contacts but have been told my tear ducts don't function property so the contacts dry out in a matter of minutes on my eyes. Even happens with the contacts specifically designed for dry eyes.
I've had my last couple of expensive pairs of glasses smashed at work so have just been purchasing cheap $40 pairs online. With a cap on they're not too bad. I tend to hunt almost exclusively tops and find glassing with glasses on quite a painful exercise. Rain is a whole new level of frustration.
I'd love to eventually find a set of contacts that I could wear or get laser. I've been told I need to wait for my prescription to "settle" before I can start looking at the laser route.
@223nut I wear glasses, no problem using them with scope just adjust the scope focus ring to suit. I can't wear them for glassing with the binos it just doesn't work for me so I adjust my binos focus for use without glasses, and after nearly loosing my glasses a few times putting them on the ground whilst sitting glassing I now keep my glasses on one of those old poeple straps that hang around your neck.
They can be a pain in the ass in the rain but I can't get by without them so I suck it up a hat with a decent brim or peak helps.
The only fix I know for misting, I found when playing paintball. My glasses would fog up really badly underneath my mask, so I'd wind up playing the game in a severe haze.
Didn't matter if the opposition was in the same room as me, but I missed a lot of cues further out.
I found that cleaning the lenses after every game helped. Getting the moisture physically off the lenses rather than relying on a chemical spray to do it for me became the thing to do.
Contact lenses were ok, but just too fiddly. I can find my specs if I drop 'em. Contacts, not so much.
I've just turned 62 and have been wearing contacts since 1980 wear them all day every day no problems ,I am short-sighted but have the power (prescription) on my lenses set so I can see best at distance which is good for my job as a truck driver and of course hunting, I think you can get bi-focal contacts now but I just carry a cheap pair of reading glasses to read better up close .
The brand of contacts I've been wearing for the last ten years or so are called PureVision by Bausch&Lomb, I do remember wearing them continuously when I first got them but its not good for the health of your eyes long term so always take them out every night which you just get used to.
When out hunting camping under a fly etc it is a bit of a pain putting them in first thing and taking them out again before going to sleep and often in the dark to but ya get used to it .
Occasionally you will get a bit of dust or grit in your eyes but generally no problems, I can only think of once in all those years where I lost a contact from one eye out hunting but nowadays always carry a spare set with me.
just hit 52, only worn glasses for a year now and then its only for working on extremely fine electronic repairs.
Contacts are way better for hunting and shooting in glasses suck hard
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The absolute best lens wipes and anti fog are FOG Eliminator cloths by TITMUS
One wipe lasts for ages and safe on all optics too.
The other things is to sort a cord or soft elastic thingy so you don’t lose your specs if they fall off in bush or a tumble.
Eye relief on some Bino’s is an issue but you may be able to simply adjust and slip the specs off
For you fullas with the std "shrinking arm" problem that comes with age, this sort of thing is ideal outdoors, esp for dealing with fishing gear. They're also good for driving as you can see your instrument cluster, etc . You need ~ normal distance vision to be suitable for these.
There are heaps of these on Ali and you don't cry if you lose/murder a pair.
Anybody looked at laser recently? getting any cheaper/less risk?
I've worn glasses for the last 30 years and I'm 43 :(
My eyesight isn't so bad that I have to wear glasses all the time (short sighted, -1.5 both eyes) and I've never liked wearing glasses, but have got used to it.
For diving I have a prescription mask, for fishing I have glasses with photochromic lenses which are OK, but not perfect (not quite dark enough in bright sunlight and not quite clear enough in the dark!). For hunting, I just wear normal glasses as I haven't found the combination of photochromic lenses and a scope to be satisfactory.
I don't know whether it has something to do with being a speccy-four-eyes, but I've never got on with binoculars. My cheapo range finder on the other hand is fine within it's limitations. If I ever find myself in a situation where I need something for serious glassing, I will be looking for a decent monocular/spotting scope that can be handheld, if such a thing exists.
As for laser eye surgery, it's something I've thought about off and on, but haven't taken it further. Now I'm developing long sightedness to compliment my short sightedness, I'm not sure where I would stand.
MB a mount on the spotting scope to allow you to use your smartphone as a TV screen could be answer to your issue. Ive had eye crutches for close work (reading and computer) for about 5 years...can get by without but get headaches....the $2 shop jobbies with the same strength work fine for me.
My eyesight is terrible and I am practically blind without my glasses. Extremely annoying in the bush as they fog up, but as an upside it forces me to slow down as the fog occurs due to high body temp.
I use an anti fogging liquid sometimes which works but has a very strong smell that might scare away animals. Tried contact lenses but ive found them to be even more trouble.
Binos are hit or miss. Currently looking for a lightweight and cheap pair of 8x25 binos or a monocular that works with my glasses so i can see a bit more in the bush.
Seriously looking at laser eye surgery, but the price is minimum 2000 dollars per eye if I go on a 'medical/dentist holiday' overseas. Not that going overseas is going to be an option anytime soon.
Lazarus thread. Not much to add to my previous post apart from I now have a pair of half decent binos; low-mid end price-wise, but they have some nice features including adjustable eye relief and rubber cups which makes them good to use with glasses.
I've not had any problems with glasses fogging in the bush, but one situation where it has driven me nuts is duck hunting as I tend to sit out in the open well camouflaged with a ghillie suit. Some kind of face covering is required and fogging is terrible! Camo paint would be a solution, but I don't want to Rambo it up too much. Currently working on an alternative.
Coincidentally I was looking at those last night, but money hurts so much right now that ive been tempted to grab a 90 dollar piece of garbage with very short eye relief (not ideal). Probably best to save up for the ~300 dollar Diamondbacks and resist temptation of instant gratification with a cheap pair. The vortex monoculars also tempting, as they are half the weight and really compact ideal for keeping weight down while in the bush.
Which steiner is that? I was looking at this one which looks ideal for what im after and within my budget, just not sure how well it works with eyeglasses.
Originally Posted by berg243
The Diamondbacks are my first pair of grown up binoculars, so I'm hardly an expert, but they do seem to be good value for money. Buy cheap... I was also tempted by the monoculars for the same reasons as you, but wondered if they would offer much over my rangefinder and since I have a trip south planned, went for the binos.
I had laser surgery 25 years back and the my quality of life improved substantially. It is expensive. The only downside is the risk of significant deterioration in night vision.
Guess I am lucky I dont have any problems using scopes or binos without glasses, I'm sure my time is coming since my eyes will deteriorate.... +1 for the Diamondbacks
Just watch out regarding the Laser - I asked two questions
1) Will my sight be at least as good as with my glasses - The answer - no - they could not get as good!!!!
2) Will there be any issues with night vision and spotlighting - The answer - Maybe but maybe not - I wouldnt know till after the job done.
So after 30 years of glasses - I just thought I would stay the way I was....Better the devil I know rather than the one I dont, and the laser is a little irrevasible.
Your too old for laser now:D just put up with it. I love my glasses, had them for 52 yrs, upside is your eyes are always protected from debris.
I’ve now got old persons problems, have better than 20/20 vision with glasses, but now the gel in my left eye has become watery, and I get electrical discharges in it and have lost some vision.
I have perfect eyesight. I can see all of the blurry stuff really well.
I wear glasses now for up close stuff- reading, surgery, but not for driving or hunting/shooting.
Question: how many shoot with glasses or contacts and does it affect the zero of your scope.
Doesn't affect zero, but I get a clearer view if I take my glasses off. In practice, I take them off for longer shots and target shooting. No time for such niceties when bush hunting. I'm mildly short-sighted (-1.5) and increasingly long-sighted. Getting old is depressing!
When I was a kid I was diagnosed with Strabismus........Thats when one eye doesnt follow the other. What it does is that when turn my eyes to the right ( without moving my head,) one eye goes up while one stays level. What I see when I look to my right is 2 different views and if focused on an object I see 2 objects. The cure was to have prisms in my prescription glasses so that when I look to the right, it lowers one sightplane and raises the other so my brain ( what little I have left) gets one image and not 2. Looking straight ahead or to the left is perfect......
My glasses are tailored prescriptions which are unique to me and cost almost the price of a new rifle and scope.
I have been caught out a couple of times when hunting, where I have seen a couple of deer when sitting just on dusk, taken a shot and watched them both drop with headshots............but been disappointed when I walked over to find only one animal..............
The only benefit from Strabismus is that when I want to put the fear of god into children, I take my glasses off and turn my head to the left and look at them to give them the evil eye.........
Been hunting with glasses since my early teens. The condition does cause problems when using a scoped rifle, major problems actually. I have to move my head on the scope to ensure my right eye is exactly centred or the prism in the right lense will 'bend ' my view and the shot will not hit the point of aim. Couple with the above problem is that my long vision isnt all that great........
Having said all that, it didnt stop me from becoming a AA grade skeet and trap shooter and I still manage to keep the freezer filled with game meat...
Yeah, now I am older its glasses off to see up close and on for distance vision OR contacts in for Distance and the glasses over them for up close.
Starting to make my job real awkward. Mostly reverted to glasses now with contacts only when hunting and multiple pairs of reading glasses strewn thru all my shooting gear bags :(
Went spotlighting tonight for the first time in a long time. Looking through the scope with my glasses on was just plain awful, everything was horribly blurred!