The 3" kicked noticeably harder. Which is weird for 1gram more shot but i guess theres a fair bit more powder in there even if the boxes do say theyre both the same speed.
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Gadget ,that stuff will literally stop anything in its tracks .Have seen C 404 take ducks ,and geese with 2 7/8 rounds. Weird shit though it has a very unusual crack as its fired and is bloody dirty.Apparently in a light gun it kicks kicks like an elephant cow with PMT&PMS.
no probs in my mighty escort though -she handles it with a genteel push!
In short -its an ammo that Im bloody impressed with.
probably not as much more as you,d think maybe faster burning and better combination of components youd hope:)
if i could get drake mallards to present them selves in the target fashion everytime and maybe hold the pose for a second or 3 id have more ducks in the freezer:yaeh am not durnk: but thats the art of it knowing when to shoot and what your gun/shot combination will do when you stroke the trigger then its just a matter of doing your part:O_O::O_O::D was good to meet matty p and get him out for a shot stumpy says gidday by the way. shame nothing was about apart from 2 boot leather parries and about 6 ducks headed else where.but by your next down time things should be improving.
cheeky prick!matty ,gimme a yodel willya -ya left a ticket in the truck!alls good regardless of whatever happens.
Haha - that shitty scratch and win from the servo? Just PM me what the details were and i'll text it in and win nothing!
Was great to meet ya both and i'll be back in town on the 8th of June until the 16th if you keep that in mind if you're keen for another! I know I am!
Really? Ok! Can we find another tree to park on too?
oh ye of little faith.A little exercise before a cuppa &a stroll never did anyone any harm!:P
anyhow im adding another 2ton jack,plus my hi lift one to the coffin in the back,and the 6 ton has been replaced so alls good.;)
hmmmmm memo to self -talk to son re fitting a dozer blade to truck for track mods as we go!:thumbsup:
thats only the third time the gooserolla has ever been temporarily immobilised:o
You might need a dozer blade on the back too? :D
Nice additions to the coffin!
need PHOTOS......this "on stump parking" thing may catch on....
what happens in the riverbed stays in the riverbed :O_O:,and go find your own bloody stump to park on!:wtfsmilie: sheesh do i have yo show you lot everything????:ORLY: