Is a 20ga a viable option these days given lead is banned? Is steel shot ammo reasonable available?
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Is a 20ga a viable option these days given lead is banned? Is steel shot ammo reasonable available?
yeah mate young fella uses 20g hes shot parrys and ducks u just have to call im in to get in range
Absolutely. Known a few that switched to 20g. Specifically the Benelli M2 semi. Shoot it all day.
GSPFused 20g P/Aa for most of the 15yrs ive known him and he consistently dropped everything from quail to canadas. only recently switched to 12g due to scarcity of 20g steel loads altho lately he has considered switching back when we spoke.
had no problems getting steel shot theres good supply at all retailers
Thanks for the replies team. Sounds like a 20ga could definitely be a goer.
What are people finding to be a good 3' 20ga steel ammo?
stuff that you use in .12ga
seriously,if you going to poke magnum loads through the .20ga you are better off to use the .12ga .
why beat yourself up more than needed???? if poking out 1 1/4oz loads youve also missed the point of .20ga ,smaller lighter and easier to carry/swing,get in bit closer and kill with lighter payload....if we can kill ducks with oz in .12ga you can do it in .20ga
3" 20ga steel is only 1oz
Besides, I don't have a 12ga anyway.
Walk up pheasants with it all day then sit on a pond for an evening shoot to try pick up a few ducks
well good to read that. if you havent had much to do with steel before it will be lots louder and harder kicking due to higher speed needed.
in senario you give,just be aware unless you heading home to switch out loads,you wont be able to use lead for the pheasants etc... or still have it with you when switch to ducks.
I plan on getting some Bismuth shot and trying that in the 20g this year.
Used 3" Mary Arms in steel, worked ok but haven't tried anything else to compare.
Shot steel the last couple of seasons, was running Rio blue steel. It seemed to go ok but I'm keen to try other ammo if there is something decent out there. Wasn't too keen on the eley from the season before.
All of the lead gets put back in the trucks that are well.away from the pond so no issues there