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  1. #1
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    2016 Gazette Notice


    Six week season 8 bird limit for Eastern up from 6 bird limit of 2015 still the same old rhetoric from Council meetings that the mallard population is cyclic only being trucking that theory out the last 10 years why don't councillors read previous minutes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Waterfowl shall not be hunted on specified property on the same day that a pheasant or red legged partridge hunt takes place on that property.
    how did eastern relaxing thier properties with special conditions rules on duckshooting which now dont seem to appear in thier regions gazzetted rules now.
    translate to auckland waikato against national policy allowing duckshooting on these properties??.
    its the thin edge in my opinion and why hasnt the region who proposed and voted for thier own change to do this gone on with it.
    i,l tell you why because all aw was looking for was a precedent and eastern handed it to them.
    then backed off in thier own region cos duck hunters are crying fowl because of the lack of birds.
    whose going to police that those shooting ducks on preserves whatever the day arent paying to do so either above or under the table??
    since access to those places anyother time is dictated by the size of your bankrolll are we to believe that property owners are going to suddenly get philanthropic and give away birds??
    they,ve brought in and or husbanded even fed upto the restricted time and right thru given this rather dubious and preserve friendly feeding rule.
    [QUOTE.No person may hunt or kill game10 of the family Anatidae (waterfowl) in all the area contained within a distance of 100 metres from the margins of any waters together with the area covered by those waters where food has been cast, thrown, placed or planted any time during the period 7 April to 26 June 2016 inclusive.[/QUOTE]
    my interpretaion of this sleazy end run of the rules feed them at one pond on the property shoot them when the return after the grubs gone on another pond.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 02-03-2016 at 06:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    or any pond where you can lay a feed line 100 metres from that pond.
    what a crock the preserve lovers owners and thier apologists must be laughing thier sneaky arses off.
    legal paid duckshootin within 2 years in aw i bet countrywide in 3 to 5 but as long as we get a few more tourist and shooter rather than hunters dollars yen yuan or pounds that the main thing huh.

    Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region9

    1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2016/2017 Season


    Season Duration
    (dates inclusive)

    Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this region

    2. Shooting Hours

    6.30am to 6.30pm.

    3. Decoy Limit

    No limit, except on Lake Waikare – a total decoy limit of 50 decoys per stand and no decoys to be placed within 50 metres of those placed by another hunter.

    4. Special Conditions

    From 7 May to 6 June 2016 inclusive, no person may use or cause to be used for the hunting or killing of game on Lake Waikare any drifting or temporarily moored floating stand or any stand, hide or maimai which is permanently fixed to the lake bed except within 180 metres of the outer margin of the lake or the shoreline of Motu Nuia Island (Grape Island).
    No person may use or cause to be used for the hunting or killing of game on Lake Ngaroto any fixed stand, pontoon, hide or maimai except within 85 metres of the margin of the lake.
    No person may use or cause to be used for the hunting or killing of game on Lake Rotokauri any fixed stand, pontoon, hide or maimai on any open water of the lake.
    No person may wilfully leave on the hunting ground any game bird(s) shot or parts of any game birds shot.
    No person may herd or drive waterfowl for the purpose of hunting or killing them.
    No person may shoot game from any unmoored boat on the Waikato River north of the boat ramp at the confluence of the Mangawara Stream and the Waikato River at Taupiri on any of the first three days or the second weekend of the open season.
    No person may possess a firearm in or on any unmoored vessel, except a rowboat, unless the firearm is dismantled or secured in a case, gunslip or other secure compartment, except when in use to retrieve wounded game.
    On public land, the last tagged owner must remove any maimai not tagged up for two years from the date of the last mark-up.
    No person may hunt or kill game10 of the family Anatidae (waterfowl) in all the area contained within a distance of 100 metres from the margins of any waters together with the area covered by those waters where food has been cast, thrown, placed or planted any time during the period 7 April to 26 June 2016 inclusive.
    No person may hunt or kill game birds, as specified, within the Auckland/Waikato region with any magazine shotgun of a calibre 10 gauge or less unless the shotgun:
    has a magazine of any type adjusted with a one-piece filler which is incapable of removal without disassembling the gun; or
    the magazine is pinned in accordance with Regulations made under this Act
    so that the magazine shotgun is incapable of holding more than two shells in the magazine, with no more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined at any one time.
    Any licensed game bird hunter who has a Department of Conservation permit to take or kill wildlife for the purpose of hawking may hunt with an Australasian Harrier (Circus approximans) to take pukeko. This is subject to the season length and bag limit for pukeko in clause 1 of this notice for this region and subject to any conditions imposed by the Director-General of Conservation under such a permit.
    6. Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions

    This clause applies to the following properties only:
    Tui Ridge: The property is located at 131A Hall Road, RD 2, Te Kauwhata, being some 259 hectares comprising Lots 1–5 DPS 83930, Part Lots 3 and 4 DPS 85071 and Lot 2 DP 397361 Block Maramarua Survey District owned by G. & C. Holmes and leased by D. & C. Brown, and Lot 10 DPS 85071, Lot 4 DPS 386081 and Lot 1 DPS 86132 Block XIV Maramarua Survey District owned by D. & C. Brown, and Lots Part Allotment 310 Whangamarino Parish SO 590, Part Allotments 329 and 372 Whangamarino Parish DP 16254, Allotment 465 Whangamarino Parish SO 6253, and Lot 1 DPS 12119 owned by Joint Venture 2009 Limited.
    Leigh Barton property at 314 Aspin Road, Cambridge. The property is owned by J. & C. Erkkila Family Trust, located north-east of Cambridge. The boundaries are Aspin Road to the north, and private farm land to the east and west with Mangakawa Reserve to the south. The property is 211 hectares, more or less, and contained in Certificate of Title SA674/278.
    Glen Burn Farm at 381 Valley Road, RD 7 Otorohanga, being some 73 hectares comprising Lot 2 DP 416788, owned by Robert Johnston.
    Where hunting takes place in any specified property defined in this notice, no person shall have in that person’s possession outside that specified property any game taken from that specified property unless affixed to the game is a label with the name of the specified property where that game was taken or killed written legibly on it, and the additional words on the label “for personal consumption, not for sale or profit” written legibly on it.
    Birds released on any specified property shall not have their wings clipped after six weeks of age.
    Birds released on any specified property shall not have their beaks clipped at any time.
    Pheasants released shall not be hunted before 18 weeks of age and red legged partridges shall not be hunted before 16 weeks of age.
    Waterfowl shall not be hunted on specified property on the same day that a pheasant or red legged partridge hunt takes place on that property.
    The unlimited daily bag for any specified property shall only apply when at least 400 pheasants and/or red legged partridges have been released on to that specified property within five months of the opening day of the season; otherwise the daily bag limit shall be three birds.
    The property owner or leasee shall keep a register of the names and addresses of hunters and all other persons who take game from that property, the number and type of birds taken by that person, and the description of that person’s role in the hunt and kill of game birds on that day.
    Eastern Fish and Game Region11

    1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2016/2017 Season
    Last edited by gsp follower; 02-03-2016 at 07:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    14 Jan 2017 to 5 Mar 2017
    20 Area A and B

    6 Feb 2016 to 20 Mar2016
    20 Areas A and B????
    the dates are a bit of a poser from the first week of feb this year to the 3rd week of march
    changed to the middle of jan for the season next year ending in the 1st week of maRCH.
    anyone know the reasons??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    5 Hunting of Waterfowl on Upland Game Properties
    Lindsay Lyons sought clarification of the NZ Council stance on allowing the owners of
    pheasant preserves (Upland Game properties with special conditions) to privately hunt ducks
    on their own pheasant preserves during the hunting season, but not during days of any
    organised commercial pheasant hunts. Mr Lyons explained that he felt this would be a small
    concession to make for these land owners, in recognition of the benefits that accrue to
    ordinary game bird hunters from the routine escape of preserve upland game to adjoining
    areas where these birds become more available to these hunters.
    While it was explained that current National Policy on this matter only refers to ‘guidelines’
    there was little support within the NZ Council for this proposal, given the original
    understandings under which upland game preserves had first been authorized.
    Resolved (Dave Witherow/Paul Stenning)
    That Fish & Game New Zealand does not allow hunting of waterfowl on upland
    game properties with special conditions.
    how does this equate to aw doing this in 2009/10
    Waterfowl shall not be hunted on specified property on the same day that a pheasant or red legged partridge hunt takes place on that property.
    and still getting to gazette ithis season with not a word from nz councill??
    no wonder lyons dropped it it was already in the backdoor in auckland 4 years before he tried with nzc not doing didly squat.
    a certain guy must be laughing his arse off ''while you were watching this hand the other hand had already done the trick.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 04-03-2016 at 06:57 PM.



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