does anyone know where to get 28guage steel shot
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does anyone know where to get 28guage steel shot
Do you reload ? If you dont use much then consider TSS shot. Its bloody pricey but best performance. I looked an importing but was too expensive worked out about 150 per lb
its on the shelf down back on left,just past the unicorn poop and the fairy dust dispensers....
keep your thread alive ,hopefully SOMEONE will see it somewhere and let you know....or just ask Bunji,he is bound to have a couple of cases under the bench.
@mikee no i dont
I would be tempted to try and fill up some cases with steel or buy loaded tungsten 12 gauge and tear it down.
I just dont get the mentality that disallows the 28 It would have been far more benificial to keep it inclusive, even it if was only in a youth permit ( for ducks ) then new / young shooters would have a better rate of success.
Steel shot is not that pricy to buy. And a cheap reloader like a mec600. Then get a conversion kit. May seem like a expense. But once your setup. It will be easy to reload as you please.
Its more that with steel shot you have to go up a few shot sizes generally for it to be effective and there is not much in a 28ga shell to start with.
Which is why a load of TSS shot size 9 is so bloody effective, there is more of it and its denser than lead so it kills well its just eyewateringly expensive.
There is bismuth.. You can reload with
Same for 20gà please.
H&F had some federal in. I ordered a slab through Giles at Taihape sports. The federal stuff patterned and killed really well for me. If you really need some I could spare a packet or two. Based in Waiouru fyi.
I meant the expensive high density shot sir.