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Thread: Akkar semis?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Helensville, Auckland

    Akkar semis?

    one of my mates just asked me if Akkar semis are any good? i think for the price they are likely shit.
    anyone here got any knowledge of them
    he is also considering a mossberg pump


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Helensville, Auckland
    correction he is looking at the akkar pump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by muka88 View Post
    one of my mates just asked me if Akkar semis are any good? i think for the price they are likely shit.
    anyone here got any knowledge of them
    he is also considering a mossberg pump

    actually not too bad for a shotty in its price range.before all you new shotty every year topliners sool into me ive had a bloody second hand escort s/a for over a decade as my goose gunand i can count on one hand thew number of times its let me down .unlike a lot of the must have flash harry gunners i know who think if it aint beretta or benelli its shit and one must have the latest flash model every year,then wail when its parked on the gunsmiths bench,and he knows its gonna be a xmas bonus for this job,that gun has NEVER graced a gunsmiths bench!
    muka -before you open gob do a bit of a recce mate -dont rely on the swo called flash harry topgun limit bag every year type opinion cause chances are like me a lot couldnt hit a cows arse with a shovel!and thats at zero range!
    All my shotties are second hand socalled"shit brands"but ive never heard a complaint from any bird or animal that got a terminal blow job from one! neither has my guts for that matter. alright illmake an allowance for pump action ,although i qwillsay i have the priveledge of shooting with a bloke who when i met him used a 2nd hand 20g escort p/a upgraded to a remington in a deal a scotsman would have cried over hes that tight ,and now again hes tinbumbed into a nice wee late model remington camo model ,though olgorse pockets shrewd as a back country merino ram kept his original 21"barrel for it.
    ive seen him endlessly down swans geese ducks rabbits quail etc and again it sure as shit aint no top line weapon by any strectch of the imagination.
    a bad workman willnever look good even with topline tools .Its often the nut behind the butt.

    Im the same with motors -happy with a truck that looks and is as old as a geriatric cow turd-long as she goes-as in goes where i points the nose.cant see the point in $50,000.00worth of falhharry 4wd bareeling down a busjh trakck or riverbed ,then have to listen to bruce whining about his paint work being chipped
    If you think this is a sermon -yep ya right -im a fully trained catholic altar boyand ive fondness for the oral and written word -mind you with a bloodline "both bloody sides of the grey river ,i dont apologise.
    Last edited by kotuku; 08-02-2019 at 05:39 PM.
    tetawa, Micky Duck, keneff and 2 others like this.

  5. #5
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    I agree kotuku. There is nothing wrong with cheap shotguns. One of my four shotguns is a Hatsan Escort pump action that cost me circa five hundy brand new and it is as fun a gun as the next and has never failed me or the myriad of others that have shot shit with solids, double ought and bird shot through it.
    keneff likes this.
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  6. #6
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    In Oz I bought an old single shot I can't even remember the name of - if it even had one. It piled up rabbits and things and never gave an issue. Price is not a thing if it works and never fails.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Funny you should mention Akka shotguns... I'm looking for a .20 gauge for my kids to start getting into and a local chap has been using a Akka semi for the past few years and loves his and couldn't speak highly enough of it.

    They are certainly not over priced and i know i can't afford to go high end Benelli or Beretta and i know the Turks make some nice guns!

  8. #8
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    Jan 2018
    got put onto ATA semis by the guys at shooters supplies in Hornby.
    Got one for the lad. Geoff was pretty honest about them and said they just don't come back. (for repairs that is).
    Cant fault it so far. Its had duck loads and clay loads through it. two different pistons though, but that's not a biggy.

  9. #9
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    I got an Akkar semi back around 2012, it has never jammed, no FTF or FTE. For farm pest control it's hard to beat. It's only down side (if you call it that) is the trigger is light enough that it is easy to accidentally fire a second round if you are not holding it firmly enough (like out the ute window for example). Also barrel is a bit too long for my use.
    schwen likes this.

  10. #10
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    spreydon christcurch.
    rember when akkar bought out that bastard shotty the 12g triple barrel-tower junction H&Fhad one and I did more than one recce just to gaze at the bloody thing.i couldnt for the life of me ,and still cant work out what it would be like to shoot .now over my time with shotties ive had the odd double detonation -I vivdly rember my 1st one -was a mitchell gamekingSXS12g i bought off my brother for $100.00- double det on a duck -left thumb smacked bridge of nose like mike tyson before he became an earbite rand i ended up looking like a panda- ex mrs took pity on me and doubled my lengthwise lambada ration-now i know why at 65 im so bloody tired.
    enough of that -wonder what a triple det would feel like-suspect she'd be a flat on ya arse jobby at best! at worst youd be flatter than the hallway carpet!!
    firing the thing -it 'd suit you ex artillery types"telly ho gents battery fire mission 'fiiiiiiiiirrrrrrreeeee................god knows what any self respecting duck of goose would think ,though again my suspicion is it would involve a sudden frightful opening of the anal sphincter!

  11. #11
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Utu was the movie no?
    gsp follower and kotuku like this.
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  12. #12
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow View Post
    Attachment 104828

    Utu was the movie no?
    dats da one ma friend-still looks bloody weird

  13. #13
    Member cambo's Avatar
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    Out of the Turkish made shotguns, ATA make a better shotty.
    They make a few under licence for Barretta.
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  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    cant fault the H&R pump I use...sure action is made in china...and its heavy...well it was heavy then I chucked another 11oz of lead shot up her date its now super plurry heavy and just the way I like it for opening weekend soaking up recoil from 3" shells...the only 2 times its let me down slightly was with first lot of 3" shells and I found action was too dry,bit of lube and away it went the 2nd was with remington hypersonicshitkickingsoreearsshoilderarse loads they kill cheap semis and had me short shucking the pump.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Yea those hyper Sonics at great micky gave my mates young fella a couple in his u&o shoulder was black and blue the next day



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