Have this week off work to some serious duck hunting, however so far the only thing thats serious is my lack of ammo use.
Alarm set for sparrows fart this morning with a plan to head off to some wetlands at the top of a local lake. Theory was catch the birds coming back from a nightfeed to rest up in the wetlands or for many heading back to the big open water of the lake.
Got there and threw out 5 decoys into a small pool just off from all the main water, it looked fairly shallow in the dark..
Still pitch black but gave some quacks and got some in return so all looked positive. First bit of light came and all went quiet, nothing in the air either.
By 8.30 am at last 6 mallards not too high way over to my right. Called and called not even an answer, only one place they intended to go and that was the lake. Over cast weather and started to drizzle but no wind or breeze. By 9.30am went for a wander up the path to look over all the surrounding water.
Sweet FA there , all I could see for miles around were 2 swans in the main water area.
By 10 decided to pack up as the wind didnt look like it was going to do anything. Next issue was the little patch of water was bloody deep. All good using a long branch when I took a step too far and dropped another foot. Exited with the decoy and waders full of water. All for bugger all ducks seen and no shots fired.
Still god loves a tryer and one day I will shoot a shit load of ducks, please god !.