Paradise duck sliced thinly and rolled in Tucson spice then fried, paddock KFC, tasty. There are dickheads in all aspects of life just not you and me.
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Paradise duck sliced thinly and rolled in Tucson spice then fried, paddock KFC, tasty. There are dickheads in all aspects of life just not you and me.
gentlemen i suggest respectfully you get your respective heads out of your respective arseholes ,cause fuck your generalisations just got right up my nose Iam a westcoast born fucking Duckshooter GSPF-dont fucking forget it OK.I learnt my ethics from my late lamented father, long before i ever encountered you doses of DNA and he was a very meticulousDUCKSHOOTER, not this americanised duckhunter shit!
you two with your senseless fucking generalisations have really lit a big blaze.
put facts up to back your assertions , ok!
those cunts in timaru were not a duckshooters arsehole ,and you two well know it so man up and fucking apologise to those of us genuine shooters who use semi automatics!and could well be regarded as being part of this generalisation shit!
Christ almighty its like saying michael schumacher and your local baggy arsed boy racer are the same -in fact it dont need a PhD to realise theyre poles apart!
woah back a minute there........... take a chill pill or a handful if need be..only one possible reference to semi shotties and mag extensions with nothing really personal in there my good sir. we can all agree these wankers that dump birds are bottom feeding pond scum.
it wasn't said all semi users dump ducks ..far from it...
see a different slant put on name only..and you have got to admit he has a point....... the fella with two dogs and a SxS is out for the love of hunting and his dogs and isn't LIKELY to be shooting 50 birds to chuck in a hole!!!!
Im a duck hunting fool...cant say duck shooter cause I miss more often than I hit..LMFAO
exactly mister touchy socks
[QUOTE]gentlemen i suggest respectfully you get your respective heads out of your respective arseholes ,cause fuck your generalisations just got right up my nose and if imeet face to face(it willhappen) I wll forget the niceties and bore straight in.Iam a westcoast born fucking Duckshooter GSPF-dont fucking forget it OK.I learnt my ethics from my late lamented father, long beofre i ever encountered you doses of DNA and he was a very meticulousDUCKSHOOTER, not this americanised duckhunter shit!
you two with your senseless fucking generalisations have really lit a big blaze.
either put facts up to back your assertions ,or shut the fuck up ok!
If ya dont like well front mwe face to face and well have it out man to man.
those cunts in timaru were not a duckshooters arsehole ,and you two well know it so man up and fucking apologise to those of us genuine shooters who use semi automatics![QUOTE]
im not fuckin likly to:wtfsmilie: but you,ve picked the the least arguable part to argue.
yes duckshooting it has always been but i like to think of myself as more than a duck shooter dont we all ??
which is why i called them shooters as opposed to duckhunters/shooters.Quote:
those cunts in timaru were not a duckshooters arsehole ,and you two well know it so man up and fucking apologise to those of us genuine shooters who use semi automatics
apologise ?? not fuckin likly we all know that these types exist on the fringe and how you get it as an attack on all semi users from semi with the biggest mag extension, i dont fuckin know.
i use a 5 shot pump which i could mag extend if i thought it useful outside duck season but i dont so i dont.
how you could possibly think you had any relaTION TO THE TYPE I MENTIONED IS BEYOND ME i dont think anything animal vegetable or minerals goes in the ground around you if it could possibly be toothed.
ps you gonna be sayin its my fault the crusaders are shit next for bringin up that my hurricanes beat them.
please find enclosed my free voucher for your next monthly cycle:wtfsmilie::D:D
love from me you grouchy old c..t
heres one and you can believe it or notQuote:
either put facts up to back your assertions ,or shut the fuck up ok!
i visited a farm for a pickup got talking to one of the workers who grain feed a damn there .
'' bout 500 kgs a week shoot shit loads of ducks'' ''jesus you must like duck'' ''nah dump them''
you gotta get around a bit to see what go on sometimes:P
well done -why not use that bloody example in your first post.
as far as timaru goes -the source of the birds is to my mind far more likely to arise from a situation like that than any legitimate "duckshooting". 50 parries makes me all the more suspicious. secondly anygenuine wildfowler would have disposed of them bloody sight more discreetly than this blatant shit .It makes me think of someone being given the task whose absolutely shitting bricks at being caught so in blind panic dumps em at first opportunity.again nothing what so bloody ever to do with any of us who maintain principles in our sport .
finally great to see the crusaders give the Reds a right shagging ,tho Id imagine youd moaned ya tits off right the way through it !
PS dont you worry about getting out and around ,Ive witnessed things and humans that would make your pubes go straight out of sheear fright ,make no fucking mistake!
Dont shoot ducks in the bloody first place,altho some of these pricks wouldnt knowe commonsense if it jumped up and booted em in the balls like a bullelephant. tesatosterone fuelled fucktards are just that!.the bloody sooner F&G get off their sodding arses and prosecute this sort of shit the better it willbe.oops sorry too busy looking after the fish blah blah balh. this is not shooting is fuckin salughter at best "culling"and serves no useful ppurpose given the bloody downturn in mallard numbers over recent years.
Oh dear maybe lead shot was the cheif crim after all . Sorry hamsav how'd you know where any bird you shoot has been feeding recently ,unless of course either your'e psychci or perhaps have developed mallard GPS. one our more infamous entities in the shooting fraternity proudly shows photos of ducks taken in stock paddocks who been up to their eyeballs in cowshit.doesnt seem to do him any harm!
do you but a season licence to shoot those things?????????
are they a managed RESORCE ??????????
if you aren't going to use GAME BIRDS you shoot...go and shoot plovers (you can eat them too) magpies and clay targets and leave the dwindling number of birds for people who will appreciate and utilise them.
takes no time at all to breast them out them take them to butchers and make salamis which everyone will eat.
Even breasting is wasteful imo. We even sit down and pluck geese when we get them. Just the way I was brought up
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Mother Pluker! Good on you Toby:thumbsup:
I hear you TOBY . this year is first time Ive breasted opening weekends bag...did it cause only son and I eat duck and wifey does lovely duck tit mcnuggets so have free flow froze them and we will pluck most of what we shoot over next 2 1/2 months.