Originally Posted by hamsav;362811[B
]Dude , if we didn't like killing shit we would all shop in the supermarket for meat and fish [/B] . there would be no license to buy , no gun , ammo to pay for , no hard work , no " up to your elbows in something's guts " no getting in the shit with the Mrs for any of the above , no boat to buy / maintain. We are hunters . We kill shit , ( that's our job :pacman: ) and we LIKE doing it . I doubt there are many subsistence hunters in NZ
Are we to think that the hunter , looking at the biggest stag ( goat elephant ....,whatever )ever thru his sights should choose NOT to shoot it if he is unable to take the whole thing home ( not just the best bits ) because he cant carry it all , HELL NO ! you would take the most meat you could and whatever pointy bits there are and leave the rest .
The point Im trying to make is that it not as black or white as some of you seem to think