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Thread: Brace Yourself

  1. #1
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Dec 2011
    New Zealand

    Brace Yourself

    I recently bought a nice O/U which equates to "another" shotgun (at the expense of a rifle)in the cupboard. My reason was simple enough- I couldn't guarantee my old Lanber was steel proofed and I want to shoot some high quality ducks. Now before anyone gives me any advice about checking for proof marks or going to a reputable gunsmith- just consider...... I wanted a new shotgun. Most here would agree a half dozen isn't enough and nor could it be considered a problem. I am now willing to admit there is probably a problem and dealing with problems starts by admitting it.


    Anyhow this thread isn't about me it's about you. I'll work on the finer details but essentially this is a thread and photo based competition revolving around two birds and whatever else guns gear and dog wise you like.

    The main thing people need to understand is that I am god when it comes to this thread and judging. If I can track down some sponsors I will consider giving them sub god entitlements with varying amounts of power limiting them to FA really.

    Now thats out of the way- I'd like this to be inclusive. Not all of us shoot limits or have the flashiest gear, but we all take pride in what we do, we all have an equal place in the sport and I am hoping this is where that can be shared in a fun artistic way.

    General Rules
    This thread is a maximum of two birds per gun per entry- red cards issued otherwise. This is also a modern politically correct competition in that same sex braces get preferential treatment. For those that buy shooting and Eastern Region hunters hen pheasants get a red card. This has nothing to do with my bias or tradition nor an attempt to minimalize the female role in game bird family unit. Mixed braces are acceptable and encouraged.


    Unlimited entries (except Dundee for conservation purposes who is limited to one photo's per day, no eels).

    I quite like old school tradition

    I like a good mock or piss take- bonus points could be on offer if the piss is taken from me, so could a red card!

    A slightly less artistic approach to photography could be enhanced with a short story. In fact a subsidiary comp I think we will add a "most pleasantly enhanced story"- or a lie category which like fishing should come easily enough to most of us.

    Cheating is legal. Take your two nicest birds of the day, put on your eyeliner brush your hair and get out grandpa's hammer gun......


    I am hoping Purdy or Holland and Holland might come to the party with a back up being Fabbri. I hold quite high hopes one of these three fine gunmakers will offer up a custom build with air tickets thrown in for the measure up. No this isn't the first entry in the enhanced story category. I'm not eligible.

    If this doesn't work out prizes will probably be things of less value but offered with equally good intent.

    Suggestions welcome and prize offers welcome. Rules finalised around opening.
    puku, veitnamcam, Pointer and 7 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    not a great pic admittedly but its got some of the essentials[a brace] if you can sex the quail from the pic good luck to you.
    note 2 cartridges in foreground more for scale than trying to make out i got 2 for 2 shots i assure you.
    theres also custom knotted 2 1/2 tonne strop in backround a essential piece of equipment for pulling various types and myself out of rivers boggy paddocks and holes. So essential red is sitting on it guarding it to the bitter end as it could stand between him getting home for tea and buggering around in the cold for hours with the dopey gun carrier.Note custom yellow ashvegas council dog tag oly the best for my mate[img][/img]
    if sexing the quail was easy for you these 2 geese should be a dodle note custom decoy bag with yellow tux special edition head bag insertBieng part of massives trendy hunter team[EGSSC] red is sporting the ''go faster'' red tag this season.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 14-04-2015 at 11:41 AM.

  3. #3
    Just another outdoors addict
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    not a great pic admittedly but its got some of the essentials[a brace] if you can sex the quail from the pic good luck to you.
    note 2 cartridges in foreground more for scale than trying to make out i got 2 for 2 shots i assure you.
    theres also custom knotted 2 1/2 tonne strop in backround a essential piece of equipment for pulling various types and myself out of rivers boggy paddocks and holes. So essential red is sitting on it guarding it to the bitter end as it could stand between him getting home for tea and buggering around in the cold for hours with the dopey gun carrier.Note custom yellow ashvegas council dog tag oly the best for my mate[img][/img]
    if sexing the quail was easy for you these 2 geese should be a dodle note custom decoy bag with yellow tux special edition head bag insertBieng part of massives trendy hunter team[EGSSC] red is sporting the ''go faster'' red tag this season.
    Well if you shot them recently I'm sure the quail are two hens a bit slow to get off the nest if you went two for two

    The geese is a little harder to separate from that photo but looking at the nostril orientation it's a goose on the left and a young gander on the right. As a side looking at the posture of the dogs ears I am quite confident it's not a bitch.

    Speaking of custom tow ropes. No need to lock up or take your keys out when you can park as well as me.....

    Couple of nice pics to kick things off GSPFollower.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Name:  S1130028.jpg
Views: 1268
Size:  709.0 KB

    A very unlucky pheasant who tried to cross the river straight over my maimai and the only Canada I have seen in this spot
    Breda, stingray and gsp follower like this.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    Well if you shot them recently I'm sure the quail are two hens a bit slow to get off the nest if you went two for two

    The geese is a little harder to separate from that photo but looking at the nostril orientation it's a goose on the left and a young gander on the right. As a side looking at the posture of the dogs ears I am quite confident it's not a bitch.

    Speaking of custom tow ropes. No need to lock up or take your keys out when you can park as well as me.....

    Couple of nice pics to kick things off GSPFollower.
    Well if you shot them recently I'm sure the quail are two hens a bit slow to get off the nest if you went two for two
    i assure i didnt on either count funnily enough slower dont help me on quail
    As a side looking at the posture of the dogs ears[B][U] I am quite confident it's not a bitch
    the wang is a bit of a give away:
    if your gonna get bogged you might as well do it properly tim and id say your the leader in the ''how the f..k am i gettin this out'' section so farmm unless my eyes decieve me that area looks suspiciously familiar in the bogging stakes. was a certain mr tl required tractor and all
    Last edited by gsp follower; 14-04-2015 at 06:43 PM.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by prattpoint View Post
    Attachment 35788

    A very unlucky pheasant who tried to cross the river straight over my maimai and the only Canada I have seen in this spot
    the brits face says it all ''rotten bastard i didnt mind grabbin the pheasant for him but that bloody great oversize parrie is the limit really''''my dinner better reflect his apology or the next hunter i see im off with him''

  7. #7
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I look forward to some artistic/autistic/and artistic licence photos here, I don't shoot birds myself but enjoy looking and when you openly invite lying and pisstaking as part of the competition this forum is made for it.....competition will be fierce I am sure
    Breda and Munsey like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  8. #8
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Tim me old china good to see you burglar proofed the red rooster retriever at the gate .i sank the mighty gooseroola just 40m SE of the old hut site,and had to endure 30mins of KWBs nicotine enhanced gospel about my follies before squire Terry turns up and goes"no probs sorted".
    the problem was when the wolfes rd hut was torched the springfed water tap was never blocked so 6months of free flow spring water turned a grass paddock to porridge underneath dropping me up to the running boards in a flash.
    TL was even a tad dubious in his mighty green tractor machine with chains that would haul a bloody great Rimu out of a westcoast pakihi. but lady lucky smiled on us (weakly )and we made it!
    max and a pie or 4 would give this a miss! I throughly endorse your sentiments re never enough shotguns-ive got 5 and Im hoping to expand!
    Breda likes this.

  9. #9
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Eye liner and hammer gun at the ready...
    Breda likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Cheating is legal. Take your two nicest birds of the day, put on your eyeliner brush your hair and get out grandpa's hammer gun..
    would someone with the modern day turkish equivelent count
    [ducks behind bearest tree awaiting indignent and terse reply]

    ''you rotten bastard you chucked my tea in there'

    ''cut cuuuuuut and somebody take this horrible thing out my gob'''
    Last edited by gsp follower; 15-04-2015 at 04:48 PM.
    Breda likes this.

  11. #11
    Just another outdoors addict
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    would someone with the modern day turkish equivelent count
    [ducks behind bearest tree awaiting indignent and terse reply]
    First and foremost it is about anyone and everyone being able to contribute in a relaxed thread without the need to "limit". And even if you have taken more than two a few minutes can see a photo mocked up. Single barrel, double barrel, pump, auto whatever. I am picking there will be some arty contributions and some fun ones as well as pride contributions. All important to me and this thread. I think Prattpoint missed a great opportunity to convince us they were down the river flicking an over sized pheasant nymph when a canadian diving goose struck on the back cast.... Aside from it being a most wonderful and diverse brace and very nice photo.
    Last edited by Breda; 15-04-2015 at 05:24 PM.
    gsp follower likes this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Like Tim I've brought a nice U/O this year and as long as its not raining on opening(it won't be) I'll be using it. Hoping to get a double of green heads with that to post up.
    Breda likes this.

  13. #13
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    spreydon christcurch.
    the turkish equivalent that still drops em and will keep on keeping on.Hmm=time for a wee prowl through me photo library me thinks.
    As yes A nice wee snap of the king(or our equivalent of blackadder &baldrick) upon his throne may be in the pipeline.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2013
    well id seen a few pheasants crossing the river, when I seen that one coming straight at me I thought it was a duck spilled my coffe on my lap and just clipped him in time took a while to catch up to him with the dog the goose I seen from a long way out thought it was a parry and gave a blast on the call my fat brother was in the back of the mai mai on his phone and said can ya see some I said nah its just a seagull blew my cover when I started to laugh while reaching for the gun poor goose went down in a hail of steel and laughter, cop a lot of flack for standing there constantly watching the horizon but it pays off every few years
    Breda likes this.

  15. #15
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    spreydon christcurch.
    serves the goose right for trying to be a pheasentplucker. curiosity didnt only kill the cat -it got the bloody goose as well.
    reminds me ofthe time at ellesmere when two came at me havin a hua of a domestic-grunts groans sqwuaks it was all on .
    anyhow the old fella put a couple of lengths on her and i promptly saw him right on the end of the barrel so pulled the bang lever and bloody nearly had him dropping into the maimai to share me cuppa
    .A certain GSPfollower some 150maway gave a call and the old tart decided she'd give hima piece of her mind.a 20g load put paid to that.
    however heres the catch .GSPF sends Red the dog over to retrieve my bloody bird -cheeky hua! I promptly repaid him by smacking a bloody goose who dropped into my floaters not 10min front of me. I did a bloody loverly war dance for his benefit!! one of the very few times I got ahead so early-shit its fun!



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