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Thread: Brace Yourself

  1. #151
    Just another outdoors addict
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    You are back from the UK??? that means you went without us......

    Hope Tim runs this comp again next year...
    I think it would be a good to get something going again. Hopefully a few more people will chip in. Ultimately I think the forums and pages can end up dominated by people who have it real good and they can soak up all the attention where something like this is intended for everyone to enjoy sharing success without gear or number pressures.

    I hope everyone has a good and active off season. Don't forget F&G elections are on so get yourself in a position to vote.

    Thanks again EeeBees for coming to the party.

    I'll drop in another link to my latest blog which has a bit of a look over some of my season for those who may be interested.

    OUT OF THE CAVE: The Hunt Whore
    Munsey and gsp follower like this.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    And now as we are start to see bags of hand reared mallards displayed bands and all on social media you start to wonder if over stating hunter expectation leads to a need to buy your hunting to mimic the advertised levels of success? Such is the over emphasis on "numbers" and "limits". To be honest I tire of photo dumps of dead birds devoid of smiles, stories, or new experience,
    i dread the day we start seeing our hunters staggering under the wieght of bands or ala a certain mr foiles buying them off the net.
    i hate the idea of hand reared mallards ala english driven shoots especially after watching a clip of them not even flushing when a gundog swum into them.
    basicly what the guners were shooting was a few of the reared birds and a lot of the wild birds drawn in by them and on the pond or drawn back on dusk
    Last edited by gsp follower; 07-09-2015 at 07:35 PM.

  3. #153
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    past the gum trees on your left
    @Tim Allen, my pleasure...

    Have got my voting papers for F&G ordered...writing of which, why does F&G not just send out voting papers to all adult licence holders...??
    Breda likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  4. #154
    Just another outdoors addict
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post

    why does F&G not just send out voting papers to all adult licence holders...??
    That is a great question. That very thing has been talked about within the organisation. I don't know the answer sorry. I would have thought an email alert and online vote would be nice and simple. I think some District Councils are trialling this.
    EeeBees likes this.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    ubject: Fish & Game Elections – Anglers and Hunters…We Want YOU!!

    Fish & Game Elections – Anglers and Hunters…We Want YOU!!
    North Canterbury Fish and Game
    "If you're passionate about trout fishing and hunting and have some firm ideas on how to manage these pursuits – here's your chance."
    The country's anglers and hunters are being urged to "step up" and stand in the upcoming Fish and Game Council elections – and have their say on how New Zealand's freshwater fishing and game bird hunting is managed.
    The country's 12 Fish and Game Councils are calling for candidates to stand in the elections - nominations are now being accepted and close at 5pm on Thursday, August 27 2015.
    Fish & Game is a self-funding statutory body that manages freshwater fishing and game bird hunting for the country's anglers and hunters.
    To be eligible to stand in the elections, the main requirement is that a candidate hold a 2014/15 adult whole season fishing or 2015 game bird hunting licence.

    Voting opens on Thursday, September 17 and closes at 5pm on Friday, October 9.
    The elections are conducted by postal and internet voting.
    Fish & Game Chief Executive Bryce Johnson says it's important that anglers and hunters take the time to vote, "to choose the people you believe will best represent your hunting and fishing interests."
    The 12 councillors elected in each region serve a three year term.
    "The Regional Councillors have an important role – they're responsible for setting regional fishing and hunting regulations, developing policy, and prioritising management direction through annual and 10-year work plans for staff.
    "They also have the task of promoting freshwater sports fishing and game bird hunting throughout their communities, in what is a challenging but very rewarding role."
    Mr Johnson says it's a great opportunity to put something back into sports "that have provided long-time anglers and hunters with many years of enjoyment in the outdoors."
    But we need young and enthusiastic newcomers to freshwater fishing and game bird hunting to also consider standing, he says.
    "Given the increasing number of women who hunt and fish we'd love to see more taking their place at the Council tables, contributing to the management of resources that are part of our Kiwi heritage."
    These days Fish & Game is a strong advocate on a range of environmental issues, fighting to protect fish and wildlife habitat, especially wetlands and rivers, Mr Johnson adds.
    The reality is that Fish & Game is one of the country's most committed environmental organisations, and that includes "work out in the field" with staff actively involved with stream and river margin planting and wetland creation and restoration projects, he says.
    If you are not enrolled or would like to confirm you are on the roll please email: northcanterbury@fishandgame.org.nz
    More information is available on the Fish & Game website:
    Elections 2015 | Fish and Game
    Or contact the North Canterbury Fish & Game Council Reception - 03 313 5728
    Fish & Game is a statutory public entity, established by Parliament under the Conservation Act, to manage, maintain and enhance sports fish and gamebirds, and their habitats. It is not a lobby group but an organisation with specific responsibilities under Acts of Parliament, including the Conservation, Resource Management, Walking Access, Public Finance and Overseas Investment Acts.
    The New Zealand Fish & Game Council represents the interests of anglers and gamebird hunters nationally. The Council and the 12 regional Fish & Game councils are collectively known as Fish & Game New Zealand. Fish & Game receives no money from the government. All funding is provided by freshwater anglers and gamebird hunters – a "user pays, user says" tradition dating back 150 years
    mmm well put
    [QUOTE]Voting opens on Thursday, September 17 and closes at 5pm on Friday, October 9.
    The elections are conducted by postal and internet voting.

    Fish & Game Chief Executive Bryce Johnson says it's important that anglers and hunters take the time to vote, "to choose the people you believe will best represent your hunting and fishing interests."[/QUOTE]
    why does F&G not just send out voting papers to all adult licence holders...??
    cost??a mass email reminder wouldnt be to expensive tho would it??
    Last edited by gsp follower; 09-09-2015 at 03:17 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  6. #156
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    no it would not be, @gsp follower, afterall we get the emailed magazine...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  7. #157
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    no it would not be, @gsp follower, afterall we get the emailed magazine...
    true eebees given the f&g elections recieve less voting support from those eligible than the bloody general election.do we even know how many remember to tick to vote countrywide presumembly they do cos they come up with those elegible to vote but didnt figures.whick i guess would only be from those who ticked yes?? not all who brought licences??
    hopefuly since noms have closed we cant be to far away from the candidates list being available.
    i know at least one or two forum members are standing.
    would it be out of line to point them out at the time.??
    i,l post up nth cants and csi,s when i get them.
    what do our more informed ie actual dudes who have been on the f&g,s think of bieng allowed to vote for multiple candidates as opposed to targetting your vote to one candidate.??you especially timbo but not exclusively
    Last edited by gsp follower; 09-09-2015 at 09:20 PM.

  8. #158
    Just another outdoors addict
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    true eebees given the f&g elections recieve less voting support from those eligible than the bloody general election.do we even know how many remember to tick to vote countrywide presumembly they do cos they come up with those elegible to vote but didnt figures.whick i guess would only be from those who ticked yes?? not all who brought licences??
    hopefuly since noms have closed we cant be to far away from the candidates list being available.
    i know at least one or two forum members are standing.
    would it be out of line to point them out at the time.??
    i,l post up nth cants and csi,s when i get them.
    what do our more informed ie actual dudes who have been on the f&g,s think of bieng allowed to vote for multiple candidates as opposed to targetting your vote to one candidate.??you especially timbo but not exclusively
    What do I think? I think the whole scene is a bit of a joke. F&G is full of good staff and a few well meaning but ultimately impotent governors. Your vote counts use it wisely..... An abstained vote speaks the loudest.

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    What do I think? I think the whole scene is a bit of a joke. F&G is full of good staff and a few well meaning but ultimately impotent governors. Your vote counts use it wisely..... An abstained vote speaks the loudest.
    then they must be fuckin deaf cos multitudes have been abstaining for years and its made not a gnats knackers of difference.
    your vote dont hit them where it hurts your wallet staying closed does
    i think the other way
    target with your vote those who will do the core responcibilities of f&g the most good.
    but its your job to figure out who those are in your region .



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