if you need a hand with feed or predator control give us a yell.
if you need a hand with feed or predator control give us a yell.
Quail game birds for sale
Californian quail Many property owners may already have a population of Californian quail however an introduction of new stock is always an advantage and will create more vigour in the wild population.
Price: Californian quail - $23.00 each.
Click to display a printable price list (PDF file 18kb)
Contact us to order these birds or for more information.
Woodfield Gamebirds
Address 98 Clothiers Road
Kaiapoi RD2
Telephone +64 3 312 0224
Cellphone 027 671 9356
Email sales@woodfieldgamebirds.co.nz
Manager John Whiting (Woodfields)bit pricey munsey but handy enoughRed legged partridge Red Legged Partridge
Partridge habitat is similar to pheasant; however they can and do survive well in drier conditions. They tend to pair off in the breeding season regrouping later in the winter; when it is a magnificent sight to see a covey of red legs gliding down hill. Their feeding habits and diet are very similar to that of the pheasant and quail. Demand for 'Woodfield' partridge is very high.
Price: Partridge - $23.00 each.
Click to display a printable price list (PDF file 18kb)
Contact us to order these birds or for more information.