Hi all,
Any leads on reasonably priced bulk barley or maize for duck feed in canterbury?
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Hi all,
Any leads on reasonably priced bulk barley or maize for duck feed in canterbury?
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As a suggestion contact Agrifeeds, they import DDG (dried distilled grain) it's mixed in as a supplement for stock food.
You might get a sack or 2 as sweepings from a bulk shed.
Added bonus.... birds get drunk and fly towards the boom noise!
Disclaimer, never tried it, might be too fine. Let us know if it works.
Question for you, isn't Canterbury the grain growing heart of NZ?
Would wheat do...? Know a farmer who had alot left over from last year
Ducks love wheat also.
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I'm also interested in these answers!
If you got your timing right, you could probably drop in to any farm with silos and cereal crops, and offer to sweep out the silos, keeping whatever you clear out. It's a shit job, so would be a pretty fair deal, and I doubt many would say no. Harvest approaching full swing (I was on a chaser bin 51 weeks ago today) so people might have done it by now, but you never know.
google/yellow pages seed companies close to you [cates and other bulk grain outfits]
. peas are a good option to.
chook wheats usually not a bad price but if your talkin 500 kgs or more you shoulfd get a deal somewhere
but theres no such thing as cheap maize
but you could mix it by layin a thin spread with the wheat peas whateva.
keep buckets and sacks in the car.....its all over the roads in places this time of year onwards..was what looked like grass seed inside ashburton township couple of days ago..someone had a whoopsie... too easy to drive off with tailgate open when you have done lots of hours and brain getting fuzzy.
Hahaha my brother in-law got a whole shopping bag full of that. Looks like grass seed but he is going the sea a small patch encase he ends up with radishes.....
I mixed acorns with good old breakfast oats last year -bloody hell after feeding the mai mai a couple of times ,the bloody swans ducks and geese were lined up ala maccas drivethrough ,waiting for me to sow it.
Nup didnt see any birds wearin tartan or attempting to play ye old sheepskin organ-oatmeal piano in flight,but the ground round the mai mai was clean as a whistle!!!
actually ...hmmmmm.....haggis decoys as an option this year-now theres a thought!
Las season we fed 1.5t of maize. The shooting was good as you’d expect but they were expensive ducks!
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cheaper option mix 150 kgs of maize with the ton and a bit of chook wheat.
the landlord gave me some grass seed to re seed the lawn in rakaia i ended up growing half a trailer of bloody swedes.:O_O:
careful billbob the famer might do something to your ring if you keep secret messaging his wife:yaeh am not durnk:
i swear sometimes with some of you south island bush types no names kotuku bill bob i need a bloody interprater.
listen ya grumpy prick we been shootin together for 16yrs so ya should to be used to me by now!ok Imthe older and better looking of the two ,sorry nothin I can do about that.
perhaps a cuppa and a fat canada might help you out!!!! hehehe
Im quite partial to a nice swede or two -luvly mashed in with spuds,carrots and parsnips -fills ys belly and makes ya fart! last bulk feedout we did -GSPFsupplied it .remeber my inflatable boat carrying about 350kg of feed in one load.stillhave photos of GSPFand my late old mate JJ feeding the maimaqi.
we used to be fed it [swedes] on poronui the stock feed ones to the cheeky bastards
hateparsnips with a passion