I have seen lots of Quail families with young chicks - bumble bee size from December to almost full grown right now
Quail nest in warm, dry, safe areas - to be successful they need to be predator free - no cats, rats, hogs or mustilids - in that order
Year on year - they breed in the same areas - around the Park where I control predators - I am currently seeing family groups - often six to eight chicks per Mum or Dad - clever birds as they seem to nest several times and the family look after the chicks
I have only ever taken pics of one nest site - it was in a garden near a farm shed so they were accustomed to humans - 16 December 2015
They are very mobile and often used the driveway to move around - I might see them down the bottom in the morning then 400m up the drive to the shed by lunchtime and heading on up further