My little wife the other night came out with "What would you say if I said you couldn't go duck shooting?" Me "that would be grounds for divorce" :-)
My little wife the other night came out with "What would you say if I said you couldn't go duck shooting?" Me "that would be grounds for divorce" :-)
You should have told there’d be no sex for a month and given her a real fright!!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I have had that conversation and replied "you sound just like my ex wife"........... (have only been married once 20 years and still going strong)
Define “normal”?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Must be lucky if I mentioned it sheed have the car packed even have some nice food and be sitting in it waiting to go before I'm even ready
mine is the opposite -havent you got some duckshooting to do?
said to her recently which side of me do you love most
your back side-I love seeing the back of you.
still married 36yrs,so gotta give it to her -stamina if nothing else putting up with me!!