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Thread: ecan more useless than tits on a bull??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    ecan more useless than tits on a bull??

    December 18, 2015, 1:57 pm
    Do not swim in or eat food from Christchurch's waterways - that's the message from health officials after finding high amounts of faecal contamination.

    Water samples from the Avon and Heathcote rivers and the Heathcote estuary revealed high amounts of campylobacter and E coli, according to the Institute of Environmental Science and Research.

    Canterbury medical officer Alistair Humphrey said Christchurch waterway quality was poor and E coli levels usually exceeded recreational water guidelines during normal weather conditions.

    "No one should swim in, or consume food from, these waterways," he said.

    "Recreational river users, such as rowers, should always avoid the waterways 48 hours after rainfall and always wash their hands and equipment thoroughly after being in contact with the water."

    He said while faeces from any animal carried a health risk if ingested, human faeces had the greatest risk.

    Ducks and Canadian geese were the biggest contributors to faecal contamination, but following rainfall human and dog faeces could also be present.[what no swans]

    "Dog owners need to pick up after their dog - every time," Dr Humphrey said.

    "No matter where you are in Christchurch, if you don't pick it up it will end up in a river after rainfall."

    The research was carried out between April and September 2015, with samples taken from nine locations.

    The highest levels of E coli was observed at the Antigua Boatsheds on the Avon River - mostly from wildfowl.

    Catherine St in Woolston and Kerr's Reach in Wainoni were the only locations to turn up human sewage during normal weather conditions.tamination
    [how many turned up human contamination during abnormal conditions]

    Christchurch City Council water manager Tim Joyce said progress was being made reducing the amount of wastewater overflowing into waterways.
    ecan doing fuck all since ages ago unless your a cocky that is.
    outdoorlad likes this.

  2. #2
    Just another outdoors addict
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    New Zealand
    Canadian Canada Geese on holiday crapping in our water or just NZ Canada geese crapping in the water? It's one of the great mysteries....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    Canadian Canada Geese on holiday crapping in our water or just NZ Canada geese crapping in the water? It's one of the great mysteries....
    the greatest mystery is they think people will believe this shit????
    how long have waterfowl been crapping in the water as long as bears been shitin in the woods??
    how about instead of poncing about and ooh la laing at every new building that goes up you fix the shit pipes and stop trying to blame poor dumb creatures who only exploit the open safe habitat your dumb arse policies have gifted them.
    notice no list of every human shite contaminated sight every time it rains
    this is the outfit who takes a year to get polluters to court on thier first offence some of whom by that time have committed more and worse??
    apply for water consents off the rakaia or other rivers tho and they,l really haul arse otherwise as the title says.
    you could expect the same if via doc the government gets its claws into fish and game.
    f&g aint perfect but at least its still in our hands to change not with standing certain yet unproven dodgy voting practises.
    Tommy likes this.

  4. #4
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    People poop is the elephant in the room (pun intended). The cost of fixing old sewers etc would fall on town ratepayers who would organise lynch mobs. Better to give yourself a 25 year exemption from the rules and transfer the blame to a soft target where individuals have to pick up the cost.

  5. #5
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Similar issue in Auckland, the old combined sewer is pretty nasty.

    Watercare hits back over plan for overflows - National - NZ Herald News

  6. #6
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    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Ecan/CCC/DOC been aware and attempting to overcome the canada problem over burwood/brighton/thelower avon &the estuary for years so thats not new.
    In the last 12months iIve reported on the same on this very forum ,and had work colleagues offer to pay me to induce a little death to canadas who feed&crap on their front lawns.
    Hilarious is the times Ive seen POLICE cars parked in vacated areas and on the avon banks as the boys fed the geese -I shit you not!
    Jesus wept I had a DOCmanager tell me how the CCC attempted to clear burwoods "bottle lake" of canadas using suppressed .22s -an exercise in futility -wonder why.?
    Ecan are a bunch of govt appointed local govt politicians run by an ex psychiatric nurse whose role on N Z now is the Granny that uncle john key releases on you if you displease wellington HQ.
    if it aint on a a spreadsheet or in a document by a subservient office wallah,they wont recognise the bird if up and bit em on the collective arse!
    gsp follower likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    People poop is the elephant in the room (pun intended). The cost of fixing old sewers etc would fall on town ratepayers who would organise lynch mobs. Better to give yourself a 25 year exemption from the rules and transfer the blame to a soft target where individuals have to pick up the cost.
    true enough
    obviously the excrement from a few thousand waterfowl outwieghs the lack of dredging the overflow from a few hundred thousand people and other assorted town crap.
    just heard a ad on the raido for boating on the avon and the antiqua boatsheds.
    The highest levels of E coli was observed at the Antigua Boatsheds on the Avon River - mostly from wildfowl.
    its like that tory twat who was blaming geese for fouling the hurinui.
    somehow that was her jusification for damming it so that farmers could use it first .??
    no mention of what the water quality might be like after the farmers new found water largesse would allow to plant spray and fertilize.
    run off what run off
    Our 190 farmer shareholders have invested $10 million developing the scheme and when Stage
    One becomes a reality, after the nine consents that have been granted become unencumbered,
    it will be a major contribution to the local economy,” say Adams.
    “The original economic evaluation for the full sized scheme of 58,500 hectares was forecast to
    boost the district economy by $480 million and result in an additional 3,400 jobs in the region,”
    says Adams.
    The initial scheme size will be smaller, closer to 20% of that size but still represents a $100
    million boost to the regional economy and 680 jobs
    . This will help relieve the district of the
    extraordinary challenges and threats it faces,” he says
    sounds a lot of fuss and mess for a small gain for a favoured few.and we all know the jobs if they eventuate will be low paid temporary and at the will of stock/ crop prices.
    or farmed out to imigrint labour pardon the pun.
    HWP's application for financial support was turned down after the council considered that the risk was simply too high and that it would not be prudent to lend to a private business and take on a risk that it could not control.
    sound the trumpets king john and prince billy to the rescue with some help from friar gerry maybe.
    subtitle ''along came johnnn''
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-12-2015 at 11:45 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    In fact anyone wanting a cheap feed -drive the CHCH ring rd and get to Burwood roundabout -now head toward the old QE2 stadium past travis swamp area.
    Last time I was out there there were at least 6 mobs of canadas basking in roadside puddles ISYN. now had I not been driving -Id have quietly opened my passengers door and grabbed a plump bugger or two.
    quick neck ring and home to the autopsy table then the freezer.
    It did have a positive spinoff though -scared the boyracers away -apparently hitting a 7kg goose at high speed does nowt for your custom paint job or you latest dollies nerves.-my son told me of one young lady who got so badly frightened she crapped her knickers on boyfriends flash new custom carseat covers.
    s'ppose it beats ol canada crap though eh!
    Maca49, gsp follower and Reindeer like this.



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