I see in the latest F&G mag that this will be the last season for lead shot (over water obviously)
I see in the latest F&G mag that this will be the last season for lead shot (over water obviously)
Seen a few cheap 20's around now cheap 410s
‘Facts don’t care about your feelings’
Ho hum. And now how is one supposed to have an effective killing low recoil load??? Past time thatfish n game got off arse and imported some large quantities of heavishot and components to load it.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Stupidity. The amount of lead used by these is so negligible. Just zero policy.
It isn't that an effective cartridge that everyone jumped to it over steel. There isn't much alternative either.
Gutted , juat got into the 410 buzz.
I see the article states that there is tungstan steel shot avaible for them but everywhere I have looked on the net , it has been overseas and not avaible in NZ.
Do you think they will start importing more of this enviromental safe ammo?
Patience Is A Virtue
Retailers are unlikely to give the cost. Tss 410 turkey loads run $60us for 5 rounds
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Part of this is a couple of instances around the planet of super high lead levels caused by a lot of lead shot remaining on the ground and getting into the food chain. Any lead shot is considered bad and to be ended by any means - and the .410 is probably to small a population of shooters to be considered as enough to put up a fight. Death by a thousand cuts again, but this time not the anti-gunners...
The comment about steel rusting is correct, I've worked in silty bottom conditions where there is a lot of steel debris and not much grows - too much iron makes the bottom conditions acid and turns it into a disgusting orange sloppy goop. Not nice to work in, that's for sure.
Thats a bloody good idea @Micky Duck
Patience Is A Virtue
@Micky Duck gunworks had No4 Bismuth available last year for reloaders
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Yeah I'd like a smaller shot size like a 6 or 8 for tss.more pellets than a 4.at 70bucks a kg it's pricy.i did buy some of there 12 gauge bismuth last year after using up all my bismuth shot.but haven't tried it yet . I did see some on a Chinese market website where you can buy the bismuth shot much cheaper.
Has anyone seen any .410 bismuth cartridges for sale?? It seems since F&G banned the use of
Lead in .410 there is nothing available to shoot in them for the daffys.
.410s are fantastic way of encouraging younger shooters into the sport….
The entire national F&G Council and the CEO obviously live on another planet and obey their DOC masters. It might be worth raising this with Nicole or David S as another example of a dumb bit of regulation/green tape to be done away with from the last government.
I thought F&G were supposed to support and uphold our sport. There is some BS in their newsletter/PR Comms at the time about some bismuth ammo being available but it sounds like it’s not gunna happen.
I will now have to go down the deeper rabbit hole of hand loading some. Either that or I write and ask for an exemption. I think they used to issue them for muzzle loaders that used
Lead shot