to the F**ktard duck shooter who
came onto the river from mill road hellensville about 6pm on Friday (you will know who you are night and fired 3 shots at a duck less than 100m from our house shooting towards us your shot hit the horse that’s grazing our paddock which spooked him he doesn’t spook at gunshots we have regular shooters near by including myself and he shows signs of being hit buy fall out (lucky hes not injured) it also hit the house
you are a complete fucking idiot and if i found out who you were you would have cops knocking on your door (no point calling them as you would have known you were in the wong and disappeared well before they got there) you give shooters a bad name and i hope that one day you get caught doing something dumb and lose your guns as your an idiot and you don’t deserve to have a licence if you even have one in the 1st place
rant over