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Thread: fish and game elections

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  1. #1
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    fish and game elections

    Central South Island Fish and Game Council
    2015 Election
    Candidate Nominations
    Nominations for the Central South Island Fish and Game Council triennial election closed at 5pm Thursday
    27th August 2015.
    16 nominations were received for the 12 positions on the Council. The candidates in alphabetical order are:
    Surname First Name Sub-Region
    Bannister Steve Ashburton
    Cruden John Timaru District
    Frank Russell Mackenzie
    Gerard Steve Waimate
    Gibb Simon Timaru District
    Growcott Brent Waitaki
    Hadler George Ashburton
    Hall Matthew Ashburton
    Isbister Daniel Waitaki
    Koevoet Linn Waitaki
    McKenzie Craig Ashburton
    McLauchlan Paul Timaru District
    Payne Kevin Mackenzie
    Rooney Gary Waimate
    Spry Will Mackenzie
    Whipp Bill
    on ya big green and workingman.
    why does hawkes bay only have 8 positions???where everywhere else has 12??
    19 nominations were received for the 8 positions on the Council. The candidates in alphabetical order are:
    Surname First Name Sub-Region
    Bates Bruce Hastings
    Boaler Murray Hastings
    Dolding Philip Central Hawke's Bay
    Duley Greg Napier
    Elstone Paul Hastings
    Harding Xan Hastings
    Hern Dave Central Hawke's Bay
    Hewko Dan Hastings
    Jobey Graeme Hastings
    Lumsden John Napier
    Lusk Simon Hastings
    Mackay Ross Napier
    Mackie James Central Hawke's Bay
    McIntosh Pete (Pete Mac) Hastings
    Niblett Jeff Hastings
    Pinker Brad Hastings
    Slavin Blair Hastings
    Wakeford Aaron Hastings
    Williams Kevin Hastings
    An election is required to select the twelve councillors and will be conducted by postal and internet voting.
    Voter packs, together with information about the candidates
    not half fuckin confusing is it??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thanks for putting that up GSP Follower. I want to work towards increasing habitat and also try to improve the upland hunting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by workingman View Post
    Thanks for putting that up GSP Follower. I want to work towards increasing habitat and also try to improve the upland hunting.
    not a problem
    me thinks there could be some under utilised quail hunting up the ashburton gorge way.
    i put it to big green once maybe some partnership possibilities with some of the irrigation pond owners that dont get utilised??

  4. #4
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    Dec 2011
    I believe that HB hadn't had enough people put there names forward to have an election for the last 3 or 4 elections, so the thinking was to reduce the number ( only has to be a maximum of 12 ) to 8 so an election was more likely. Of course murhpy's law means 19 people put there names in including the ex manager which could be interesting

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by morgun View Post
    I believe that HB hadn't had enough people put there names forward to have an election for the last 3 or 4 elections, so the thinking was to reduce the number ( only has to be a maximum of 12 ) to 8 so an election was more likely. Of course murhpy's law means 19 people put there names in including the ex manager which could be interesting
    so are 8 positions on the councill in total??reduced from 12.
    mmm a cynical and suspicious persons conspiracy,ometer would be working overtime about now

    some interesting candidates to who''want to a more co,operative way to dealng with the bays irrigation projects'' bollocks
    like saying preserve owners now releasing put and take mallards had no intention of shooting them once they got thier foot in the rule change door.
    whats our resident ,or any other bloody candidates for that matter,position on bringing layout blinds and boats under the protection of f&g rules?? rather than the current position of looking the other way
    Last edited by gsp follower; 14-09-2015 at 04:06 PM.
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  6. #6
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    [QUOTEAfter some serious hard thought and discussion with various people, I have decided to stand again. Like Guy, Im of the belief that too long on council stifles positivity and "new energy and ideas." I also feel we achieved much of what we set out to when we first stood.
    However it has become apparent that the majority of the newer councilors have decided not to return, which is worrying of itself.][/QUOTE]

    mm so alls well in auckland waikato research collated recomendations made and ready to be acted on "duck numbers are restored? polluted wetlands cleaned up? and peace on earth achieved??
    ahahahhhh no but they have ,via eastern and with docs collusion,got released mallards on preserves thru just a matter of time now but that couldnt be the reason for a sudden block exodus ?could it??
    Last edited by gsp follower; 14-09-2015 at 04:55 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  7. #7
    Just another outdoors addict
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    GSP Follower- Refer back to my advice on the Brace Yourself thread. The reduction of 12 positions to 8 coinciding with a high number of candidates is luck. I understand the CEO favours smaller councils, possibly to induce more elections making F&G seem less disfranchised with those it supposedly advocates for?

    I thought you'd like this- "I’m must say I don’t share any enthusiasm for the late Bob McDowell who I knew personally - (we went to Palmerston North Boys High School together - a couple of classes back). We occasionally met in years later and I recall in the 1970s he and Bryce Johnson urging me to drop opposition to trout farming". A quote attributed to Tony Orman

    Interesting there is a some current discourse by trout fishers over trout farming around Taupo- while the likes of Lyndsey Lyons NZF&G Council Chairman- has done his best to enable farmed ducking.... go figure. It is only an assumption that people will spend many thousands buying birds, feeding them gamekeeping and have guests turn up from wherever without cost recovery occurring. It is highly probable they are duck philanthropists- bless their kind soles.

    It is also an assumption there will be "creep" in landowners discovering they can charge reasonably openly to shoot the resource our hunting tax manages for us (?). The future looks great for people of limited means which is spot on as the laws were put in place to ensure classless hunting.

    Some basic observations relating to duck breeding:-

    The regions showing the greatest anecdotal dissatisfaction with the resource are the regions most progressive with bird breeding- which may only be a coincidence or a need for more philanthropy.

    Hunters I have been in contact with, shooting within a few kilometres of where tame mallards have been held and released have found significant decline in their own shooting returns and never shot a tame banded bird. This is either a coincidence or a tribute to gamekeeping excellence which should be applauded in my view.

    DoC don't appear to have done any pre permit studies on the impact bred birds might have on the wild population. I could imagine fed tame birds creating a significant drain on wild populations especially in area's where feeding isn't allowed- e.g. A/W where no feed 1 month out and within 100 meters of shooting stands- a rule seemingly designed for good gamekeeping. I imagine you could train tame and wild alike to tolerate gunfire and even come to a whistle? (this would save some of us having to buy a duck call, assuming you can whistle, decoys and camo clothing, thus cheapening the noble art of duck bothering)

    Nothing happens without the nod of the CEO. Nothing happens without the nod of the CEO. Nothing....

    On the other topic you raised GSPF, though I am not willing to deliberately test it- I feel enough precedent has been set relating to F&G willingly ignoring selected laws which would give a half decent lawyer a better than average crack at overturning or defeating court action for no license, using lead etc. I wouldn't take the mitigation option where I to find myself on the wrong side of game regulations, (which is unlikely).
    EeeBees likes this.

  8. #8
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    while the likes of Lyndsey Lyons NZF&G Council Chairman- has done his best to enable farmed ducking.... go figure. It is only an assumption that people will spend many thousands buying birds, feeding them gamekeeping and have guests turn up from wherever without cost recovery occurring. It is highly probable they are duck philanthropists- bless their kind soles.
    exactly and about as likely as the aw coucillor exodus is because the duck populations are fixed and hunters are happy
    The regions showing the greatest anecdotal dissatisfaction with the resource are the regions most progressive with bird breeding- which may only be a coincidence or a need for more philanthropy.
    yep but none of the breeders are f&g reason? as i posted? its a discreditted localised short term fix for the preserve or syndicates.
    gives doc a great chance to stick it to f&g tho how rediculous the statutory body in charge of the species having no say in it captive breeding especially who what for and where??
    On the other topic you raised GSPF, though I am not willing to deliberately test it- I feel enough precedent has been set relating to F&G willingly ignoring selected laws which would give a half decent lawyer a better than average crack at overturning or defeating court action for no license, using lead etc. I wouldn't take the mitigation option where I to find myself on the wrong side of game regulations, (which is unlikely).
    im tempted to have doc on to given they use lead when its suits and give blanket excemptions with the same imperious wave of a hand.
    hell im only trying to get them to recognise the hypocrisy in choosing which f&g rules they,l allow to be followed on thier oops i mean our fuckin land.
    i wonder how the crop and other farmers feel about them pestifying one introduced winged species then openly encouraging mass permitted breeding of another winged and introduced species many farmers consider just as much a nuisance???
    Last edited by gsp follower; 17-09-2015 at 05:13 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  9. #9
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Bravo, @gsp follower...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  10. #10
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    jesus whats going on in hawkes bay??
    it would seem the collusion between sections of the players there and in eastern[apparently the centre of all things unholy in f&g at the mo]has created a right mess..
    when commercial interests enter gamebirding its only a matter of time before they put thier interests above the sport.tho with sporting goods sellers that would be self deafeating, not so game bird sellers who are looking for s a steady clientele of syndicates preserves needing to restock yearly ala englands geen and pleasant expensive land.
    EeeBees likes this.

  11. #11
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    Good to see you're not letting any facts on these matters cloud your opinion KWB. You're consistent, if nothing else.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gqhoon View Post
    Good to see you're not letting any facts on these matters cloud your opinion KWB. You're consistent, if nothing else.
    as are you gq even with the rats abandoning the at least leaky ship now they,ve got thier put and take ducks.
    im betting your right in there tuttutting and excusing them.
    well as the chief cheer leader for change in aw/eastern why dont you inform us of the facts as you see them gquoon??
    after all the change in aw bailing before the job is even half done would appear as a dukshooter ''i told you so ''moment?
    are you a fan of easterns allowing preserve duck shooting given the reports in the aw waterfowl stradegy that the gains from sydicate and ''properties with special conditions'' are short term and localised?
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    as are you gq even with the rats abandoning the at least leaky ship now they,ve got thier put and take ducks.
    im betting your right in there tuttutting and excusing them.
    well as the chief cheer leader for change in aw/eastern why dont you inform us of the facts as you see them gquoon??
    after all the change in aw bailing before the job is even half done would appear as a dukshooter ''i told you so ''moment?
    are you a fan of easterns allowing preserve duck shooting given the reports in the aw waterfowl stradegy that the gains from sydicate and ''properties with special conditions'' are short term and localised?
    Follow this link for a response from the Hawkes Bay chairman on the issues and theres also a link to the minutes of their last meeting. Makes for interesting reading.


    Minutes: http://hawkesbay.fishandgame.org.nz/...%20%282%29.pdf

  14. #14
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H View Post
    Follow this link for a response from the Hawkes Bay chairman on the issues and theres also a link to the minutes of their last meeting. Makes for interesting reading.

    FishnHunt - New Zealands Famous Hunting and Fishing Forum Since 1995 - Important meeting this Wednesday

    Minutes: http://hawkesbay.fishandgame.org.nz/...%20%282%29.pdf
    I am glad you bought this up Mike. I first got wind of something wrong with a FB post by Guy Ralph. Being a wet day today (no work) I had a look at what you have posted and it perked my interest!

    My first observation was "WOW" what a nasty use of minutes from the "special meeting". This looks like an unfair kindy fight. Not a lot of class on display.

    I then went looking for more minutes to see if I could derive some background. That these special meeting minutes have appeared before the August meeting minutes was an intriguing oddity.

    The one thing I find interesting (I don't find the tiff between parties interesting) is that the fact the new council will be made up of 8 councillors instead of 12 and the timing of everything. Depending on what you read and who you ask the change was made between 18 months and about a year ago. This would surely be done by resolution of council? I looked back to 2013 and couldn't find anything in the minutes except the bit below.

    From the April 2015 HB minutes council look at the possibility of reducing the council numbers to eight councillors. Council instructed the manager that this item be added to June agenda.

  15. #15
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    Saying we lowered the councillor numbers to 8 to keep others out - that is absolutely preposterous. In HB we have not had an election for 3 terms because not enough people have put their names forward. If you haven’t been elected by the licence holders, how can you say you have a mandate to act on behalf of the licence holders
    ?jesus careful greg thats tantamount to hieracy
    how about hawkes bay voters electing councillors in aw/eastern greg ??
    who.s idea was the confidentiality agreement i doubt theyre mandatory in employment law??
    why would one be neccessary unless both sides have something to hide:wtfsmilie
    thats why I see the election process as a bit of a farce, as few people would bother to actually inform themselves of the performance or abilities of prospective candidates. If they did, I think they would be embarrassed at what they saw.
    im embarassed i didnt believe dukshooter more and see these preserve groupies for what they were sooner
    why else would you bail unless you,d got what you want id be staying untill they chucked me out to make up for my indiscretions.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 23-09-2015 at 10:07 PM.



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