Well well, something was gonna happen. Like a boil it was only a matter of time. Unfortunately it would appear from innuendo, that the former manager has been paid out. The only thing you could say about the council's handling of this is that we were too sympathetic in dealing with all the issues that evolved during Mackintosh's time in the job.
The Council bent over backwards to help Mackintosh. To say council's relationship with staff was poor is just nonsense. The secretary had our utmost respect and we appreciated the lengths she went to to hold things together through some challenging times, way more so for her than the Council. It would be fantastic if everything could be out in the open.
On the matter of conflict of interest some of you are so wide of the mark it's sad. Jeff is one hell of a nice guy with a hell of a good brain and a huge asset to anything he gets involved with. He doesn't say much but when he does it's worth listening. He has done more for upland game in HB than all the conspiracy theorists put together. There would hardly be a pheasant to shoot in the Ngaruroro catchment without game preserves. Whether they start early and end late (for the juniors shoot) has zero negative impact on upland game for license holders. Someone really benefitted from all the banded birds released by Jeff this year. I hear a Simon fulla got 40 odd.
Councillor Bates runs a family shoot at Ngamatea station. He does not profit from this in fact I would think it costs him plenty. I can't see where his COI is. Game preserves I hope are here to stay. They provide much needed birds for the public to shoot. They provide opportunity for people to gain experience for themselves and their dogs. The quality of dogs and handlers has sky rocketed in HB at least, due to the preserves. They host juniors introducing young hunters to the excitement of pheasant shooting. There are so many positives for preserves that your glass would have to be 1/4 empty to think otherwise.
If you think you need to go through private land to catch fish then you haven't got out much. There is heaps of water everywhere in HB with fish the public can access. Do all that water and by then you you'll be so good you won't be coveting so much.
There is some toxic talk out there but rest assured the council whilst a little naive in dealing with some difficult employment issues more than have their integrity intact. I resigned from Council late last year for personal reasons, but during my time all the councillors acted honourably and in good faith in dealing with the issues presented to us. Maybe it is a time for some change but have a good read of the candidate profiles and read again. Research all the candidates and ask yourselves about integrity. I know who I am not voting for.
Jeremy Dearden.