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Thread: fish and game elections

  1. #46
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    a]not the point
    b]how long you been a southland councillor mike h ??presumembly it would have to be proposed 2nd,d and the national councill would have to be involved either before or after??
    Mike offered his opinion GSPF. This simply hasn't come up before that I am aware of. There is an election in HB, so if that was the intent it worked. There is an election with 8 candidates. Nothing changes that. Elections underpin the very fabric of our society so I very much doubt anything dodgy has occurred.
    gsp follower likes this.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    Mike offered his opinion GSPF. This simply hasn't come up before that I am aware of. There is an election in HB, so if that was the intent it worked. There is an election with 8 candidates. Nothing changes that. Elections underpin the very fabric of our society so I very much doubt anything dodgy has occurred.
    ever heard of one richard nixon
    and i thank mike for his opinion tim but i seriously thought as a councillor of long standing he might be able to give us at least some clues to the process. i mean shit they couldnt just decide something of that magnitude and not survey thier licence buyers at least??oops shit sorry mike h to soon huh
    i dont doubt its the first tim but id still like to know how it was done just in case theres a second
    I can't blame the chairman for coming out and putting his views out there as there's a lot of shit flying around about them so they have to be able to offer their side.
    thats the only side we are getting at the mo
    how those censored emails arent a breach of the confidentiality agreement surprises me ?
    I also stand by my statement that this sort of shit is the last thing F&G as a whole needs. I like your idea of the commissioner to be honest.
    true enough but the last thing you want is government interference that would be just the excuse the f&g haters in power would need to gut f&g,s structure.
    look at ecan and cera as examples.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 25-09-2015 at 08:39 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  3. #48
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    hear, hear, @gsp follower....
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  4. #49
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    thats the only side we are getting at the mo
    how those censored emails arent a breach of the confidentiality agreement surprises me ?
    And that's all we will get- one side- if the other has any sense. I think it's a bluff. I doubt baiting another party is a new trick. Think of it this way, if the other party breaches confidentiality the terms of the agreement might be annulled? Even in the current council have breached confidentiality it's only more license holder money to defend a case. Council are not personally liable so essentially council can campaign as they like with relative impunity or personal liability.

    May the best 8 win.
    EeeBees likes this.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    And that's all we will get- one side- if the other has any sense. I think it's a bluff. I doubt baiting another party is a new trick. Think of it this way, if the other party breaches confidentiality the terms of the agreement might be annulled? Even in the current council have breached confidentiality it's only more license holder money to defend a case. Council are not personally liable so essentially council can campaign as they like with relative impunity or personal liability.

    May the best 8 win.
    i,l pardon the pun tim.
    i guess they cant be to frightened of whatever leverage he had to get the agreement in the first place or they,re confident in thier numbers to be able to ride it out?

    true tim the only loser in the whole thing will the licence payer but im still curious over how the 8 came to be.
    8 maybe all rinky dink but if the process to get there isnt open and inclusive then it just smacks of more 'we know whats best for you '' behavior that pee,d licence buyers off countrywide.
    were any of our hb member licence buyers fish or fowl surveyed??
    so sad for a region that used to boast its own gamebird release programs and farm.
    i shot many ducks on the dams of mangatapiri station out elsthorpe way as a newby on a 20$ licence with a 10 mallard limit.
    the big rawhiti dam in the mangatapiri hill paddock with its cabbage tree maimai was something i,l never forget.
    that and getting my uncle who got me into duckshooting onto a few as we jump shot this dam and several others.
    my brother even joined the pass shooters on private land to catch the waves of ducks leaving horseshoe lake on a lowcloud blusterly night or 5.

    [QUOTE ] Think of it this way, if the other party breaches confidentiality the terms of the agreement might be annulled? Even in the current council have breached confidentiality it's only more license holder money to defend a case.][/QUOTE]

    jesus tho what could an employment court or other judge penelise them for such a breach if he considered it a serious and wanton act??
    Last edited by gsp follower; 26-09-2015 at 03:56 PM.
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  6. #51
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Getting back to the office administrator/secretary...got thinking about this today and her cautioning people to be careful what they said is to my mind at least acting in a professional manner...unlike some...

    Tim Allen wrote....

    Even in the current council have breached confidentiality it's only more license holder money to defend a case.

    What would be a ball park figure for such a case...blatant mischief to spend OUR money for what??

    I want to comment also about the ballot blocks...of the blocks I was successful in the ballot, my dogs and I did not see one bird...as in pheasant or quail...NOT A ONE...someone said rather unkindly, well your dogs can't be much good then...my ballot returns reflected this...my young dog did, however, get onto deer scent in the Esk, naturally enough I brought him in as we were not there for big ears...

    We did find some lovely watercress...at Tangoio!!!

    Name:  tangoiowatercress.jpg
Views: 317
Size:  314.1 KB

    My bitch and I walked for absolute miles...eight hours of it...cattle had been in the block and had cleaned out the cover for birds...we did see a hare and pig snoutings...

    Name:  dionee.jpg
Views: 288
Size:  121.3 KB

    Our sortee to Gwavas was a complete joke...

    Name:  nightpond4.5 016.jpg
Views: 364
Size:  1.13 MB

    I am not inferring that I did not appreciate the opportunities to see new ground...
    Last edited by EeeBees; 26-09-2015 at 08:49 PM.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  7. #52
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post

    What would be a ball park figure for such a case...blatant mischief to spend OUR money for what??
    Who know's EeeBees? It'll all come out in the wash no doubt. Speculation won't change anything. There is an election to get past in the mean time.

    Sounds like a tuff time on the pheasants. Hopefully next year you bump into a few. Are any of the blocks you hunted getting stocked?
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  8. #53
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    We did find some lovely watercress...at Tangoio!!!
    if only you had some meat and potTAOES TO SERVE IT WITH eebees
    was it early or late in the season eebees had it been thrashed before you??
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  9. #54
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    @gsp follower...yes, there were boot prints for Africa...no it was I think about the fourth week into the season...
    @Tim Allen....apparently the ballot blocks or at least the forestry blocks have not had released birds put on them for quite a number of years.
    Breda likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    @gsp follower...yes, there were boot prints for Africa...no it was I think about the fourth week into the season...
    @Tim Allen....apparently the ballot blocks or at least the forestry blocks have not had released birds put on them for quite a number of years.
    maybe pig hunters had access to ??
    hard work in a block theyve been thrashing .

  11. #56
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    jesus things seem to begetting very titchy in hawkes bay with he usual suspects clubbing together to undermine and bait a candidate??
    true or false undermining a confidentiality agreement to smear a candidate and using various aliases and clique mates to do it seems over the top.
    perhaps after the election an audit of the encumbents behavior might cause some tuttuting and cover seeking.
    3. Eastern will provide a total of 435 hours of staff time to the Hawke’s Bay, these being
    provisionally allocated to the following tasks:
    Admin 340 hrs
    Trend counts 50 hrs
    Datawatch 25 hrs
    Drift diving 20 hrs

    14. Such services will be provided as reasonably required to undertake related Fish and
    Game management activities as set out in the Hawke’s Bay Region Operational Work
    plan for the 2015-2016 year.
    15.1 $24,360 (plus GST if any), to be invoiced quarterly ($6,090 plus GST).
    15.2 Project specific expenses and disbursements where readily identifiable (e.g. food,
    accommodation, equipment hire etc.)
    do this at over 50$ an hour plus expences seem pricey or is it just me??

  12. #57
    Just another outdoors addict
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    That's probably about the going rate if you're contracting the work. I thick I've been volunteering myself to drift diving too cheap though.

    After studying the minutes I have short listed a couple of management candidates to suit the governance style of the HB council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyLsO6LpLSI
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  13. #58
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Gordon Bluddi Bennett, what next...?
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  14. #59
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Allen View Post
    That's probably about the going rate if you're contracting the work. I thick I've been volunteering myself to drift diving too cheap though.

    After studying the minutes I have short listed a couple of management candidates to suit the governance style of the HB council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyLsO6LpLSI
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  15. #60
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    my humble contribution
    That's probably about the going rate if you're contracting the work. I thick I've been volunteering myself to drift diving too cheap though.
    no such thing as mates rates between regions huh
    now i know why eastern managers are hanging around like a bad smell with a pheasant under one arm and a tame mallard under the other
    Well well, something was gonna happen. Like a boil it was only a matter of time. Unfortunately it would appear from innuendo, that the former manager has been paid out. The only thing you could say about the council's handling of this is that we were too sympathetic in dealing with all the issues that evolved during Mackintosh's time in the job.
    The Council bent over backwards to help Mackintosh. To say council's relationship with staff was poor is just nonsense. The secretary had our utmost respect and we appreciated the lengths she went to to hold things together through some challenging times, way more so for her than the Council. It would be fantastic if everything could be out in the open.
    On the matter of conflict of interest some of you are so wide of the mark it's sad. Jeff is one hell of a nice guy with a hell of a good brain and a huge asset to anything he gets involved with. He doesn't say much but when he does it's worth listening. He has done more for upland game in HB than all the conspiracy theorists put together. There would hardly be a pheasant to shoot in the Ngaruroro catchment without game preserves. Whether they start early and end late (for the juniors shoot) has zero negative impact on upland game for license holders. Someone really benefitted from all the banded birds released by Jeff this year. I hear a Simon fulla got 40 odd.
    Councillor Bates runs a family shoot at Ngamatea station.
    He does not profit from this in fact I would think it costs him plenty. I can't see where his COI is. Game preserves I hope are here to stay. They provide much needed birds for the public to shoot. They provide opportunity for people to gain experience for themselves and their dogs. The quality of dogs and handlers has sky rocketed in HB at least, due to the preserves. They host juniors introducing young hunters to the excitement of pheasant shooting. There are so many positives for preserves that your glass would have to be 1/4 empty to think otherwise.
    If you think you need to go through private land to catch fish then you haven't got out much. There is heaps of water everywhere in HB with fish the public can access. Do all that water and by then you you'll be so good you won't be coveting so much.
    There is some toxic talk out there but rest assured the council whilst a little naive in dealing with some difficult employment issues more than have their integrity intact. I resigned from Council late last year for personal reasons, but during my time all the councillors acted honourably and in good faith in dealing with the issues presented to us. Maybe it is a time for some change but have a good read of the candidate profiles and read again. Research all the candidates and ask yourselves about integrity. I know who I am not voting for.
    Jeremy Dearden.
    yea the public can hunt them for a price
    funny thing is i didnt see one example of somone citing conflict of interest??
    on the whole thread.
    ngamatea was owned by the same outfit that owned the station i was on.
    wonder where his pheasant seed stock/current stock comes from??
    now who else guides/hunts on ngamatea for deer umummumm
    Last edited by gsp follower; 30-09-2015 at 03:00 PM.



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