Does anyone have any tips on poisoning or killing off flax bushes ?
Thought I’d ask before I get a digger in.
Does anyone have any tips on poisoning or killing off flax bushes ?
Thought I’d ask before I get a digger in.
cut and paste..... eg slice leaves off then paste poison of off cut bits...... looking around block we hunted today,it seems like tordon brush kill?? for gorse whacks them deader than a dead thing...
I used to work with an old maori guy not sure if he was having me on but he said to cut the leaf things on an angle sloping towards the middle of the plant so the shortest side of leaf is towards the center if that makes sense
The new formulation of Roundup smokes them no problem
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Tordon is the shit for brush weeds like gorse and broom.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Glyphosate (active ingredient for round up) for flax. Use a cut and paste version, makes it easier and cleaner. Tordon might not kill it. Plus gly will not leave residue in soil or water.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Cool thanks. Will get into farmlands on Monday. Would tag herbicide do it too I’m picking ?
Tag will prevent you establishing anything else for some time if that is a problem, plus it’s expensive for your given application and I wouldn’t use it round waterways.
Flax is a grass, (monocotyledon) so Tordon won’t control it well. Tordon is for woody weeds as stated above.
Glyphosate would be cheapest and has no residual effect in terms of establishing something in place of the flaxes afterwards.
Flax has a very waxy leaf so using a surfactant would give the best results depending upon how much you have and your budget.
You could also cut and paint it onto the plant neat or in gel form.
Call the digger in, he can scrape the edges flat whiles he there
dont use tordon it has picloram in it and it sticks around and flax is a grass so it shouldnt really harm it
Theres some I sprayed with roundup 5 months and Nathan
You can see in background how mature the flaxes were.
Dead grass in front is just keeping grass height below panels
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Awesome, Thats the size im dealing with too @BRADS . Will give them a dose when it stops raining here for 5 minutes