ive just down loaded the following PDF about how to paint decoys Hunting Calendars ......a week after i started tinkering with flocking, always the way!!!!
ive only done the heads and will redo with a darker line down the back of the head as they are GREEN, but not shiny! i will go into detail later
So my donor was a recently purchased 2nd hand decoy, probably should have started with a crappy decoy first to show the improvement!
First lot of flocking material
Still the first application of flocking, more of a comparison
2nd application of flocking out in the sun
Close up notice the shine off the non flocked, and yes i know it is GREEN!!!!!
i will have a go at the bodies later and if they look half pie ok i will post more, the next thing is to weather test, im just going to leave them out for a few days in the rain and sun and see what happens!!!!