My usual hunting buddy decided finishing off his fence was more important than going hunting on a fine Saturday. So I took off mid afternoon to a small gravel pit pond we found last year that the ducks would fly to for 15 mins before flying back to dairy paddocks where whole crop was being fed out. A quick bit of recon earlier in the week showed they were doing the same thing this year.
Here's a poor shot of the pond(didn't think to take a decent photo sorry):
The first duck arrived 10 minutes after I finished throwing out the decoys. Can you spot the real one amongst the flocked floaters?
While I only had a few decoys out the ducks honed in on them and were landing amongst them when they had the rest of the pond free?
Dog doing one of 10 retrieves as the ducks died above the spread at a max range of 15 metres:
I was simply hiding in the flax in the photo below in camo clothing.
I managed to finish up with my limit well before dark which was pleasing although the dog kept on looking out for more, she's not used to leaving so early on an afternoon/evening hunt.