Had a good hike down river before this arvos milking.Being muti talented and able to use both arms with either gun or rod.
First was a trout while the shotty was slung on my back.
Proceeded down river further in search of ducks with Bo and myself up the bank away from the river and willows,just scouting,looking and listening.
Came upon a couple of swans out on a stretch of water whilst we were high up on the bank of the river.Let out a yell and a few ducks took off maybe 50 metres away and I dropped one with 3inch steel.
Bo on his way!
Duck hit the river and was drifting to the island.
Retrieved and on his way back!
Getting closer to hand.
I reckon that would of been a 100 metre water retrieve one way,duck dropped about the half way mark and drifted to the island by the time the dog and I got lower enough to send him on his retrieve.
Duck and a trout on the one outing is making good use of my F&G licences.